What is really dangerous are the speed bikes..the ones that sound like a bumblebee...and will appear out of nowhere and in 3 seconds will be 2 miles in front of you..I have seen these guys weaving in and out of traffic on the beltway with inches between them and cars...scary...I had always said, I never knew of a Harley that was in an accident..I can always hear them coming..I must have missed the original post on this one..I guess if one is drving something that is louder than a Harley, he would not been seen until it is too late...for me, if I got a bike it would only be a Harley. An almost silent bike in the drivers blind spot is not good. Sure, at times and in places they can be very noisy..but in my experice...most of the guys are easy on the thottle in certain areas...

1985 300D
284,000 miles
Washington, DC

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Tom Scordato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Mercedes Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:38:36 -0500

"could hear him for about 3/4 of a mile away - he stated that cars...."

If that thinking is true let us have every vehicle/truck/car on the roads
have no muffler then we would be really safe and could hear each other

I had a guy (he looked like a Hun, proally why no one wants to mess with
these guys and question this stuff) in Pennsylvania say the same thing to
me.  "It is for safety".  But with the recent appealed helmet law he did not
wear a helmet.  Yeah he was real concerned about safety!!??

Spade a Spade:  No it is about making noise, a power trip and "saying look
at me" and nothing else. It is certainly not about humility, God forbid.  I
would get out my decibel meter and ticket everyone of the bastards if I were
a cop for disturbing the peace.

By degree I am a Marine/Mechanical Engineer.  On a merchant ship (Navy /
Shore side same way) every piece a machinery we would judge by the level of
sound.  Excessive sound and loud sound were ussually a sign of
trouble/danger.  Most good mechanical types agree optimal design operation
is as quiet as possible.
.   /Tom

----- Original Message -----
To: "'Mercedes Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes

> Actually, loud pipes let cars (mostly driven by blithering idiots who fail
> to see anything smaller than a Suburban) know you're there.  A friend had
> an
> obnoxiously loud bike (he bought it that way, wasn't trying to say "look
> at
> me") could hear him for about 3/4 of a mile away - he stated that cars
> stayed away from him, even moving to the other side of their lane as he
> passed.  I know if I rode a bike, I'd want that kind of situation - not
> being seen usually has disastrous results when you don't have a frame
> around
> you.
> T
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Scordato
>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:50 AM
>> To: Mercedes Discussion List
>> Subject: [MBZ] Bike rider
>> Very Neat clip!
>> A least it is quiet unlike in the US where too many  like the
>> loud bikes.
>> Un like the Europeans,  we suffer more from the "look at me syndrome"
>> Nothing negative opinion wise about riding motorcycles. I
>> think they are
>> neat, always have. But when they are louder than the space
>> shuttle you are
>> now infringing on my freedom.  I asked a local cop about the
>> noise as one
>> drove by, he put it best when he said "simple things amuse
>> simple minds"
>> In my day if you did not have a muffler (or it was loud)
>> regardless of
>> vehicle you got a ticket period end of story.  I cannot pin
>> it down but
>> maybe with the prevailing Nascar/Country music/Rap/It is
>> acceptable to be a
>> Red neck/ crush kill destroy,  mentality in this country in
>> the last 20
>> years it has become a free for all with the vehicle noise.  I
>> would ticket
>> everyone of these vehicles just like I deserve and have
>> gotten tickets when
>> my muffler has gone bad. Tom
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