How expensive is it to live in the Tampa/Orlando area? We have an opening there and my wife wants to move there. It will never happen as why would I want to move there for the same job.

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Tampa made the news a couple days ago as the least desirable city in the USA. It has high crime, it is dirty and looks much like a turd world city. On the plus side, there are some nice neighborhoods, great cuban sandwiches, palm trees and guava turnovers. Oh, and a few old MBs. You won't freeze your pitootie, or shovel snow, but you will sweat all year round, and in the summer it is unbearable. The humidity will rust your tools and cars. Okie city looks pretty good in comparison, and I think it is smaller (metro area)

If you go further inland, like Pasco county, the prices are lower and the population is more sparse, but you have a longer drive to tampa or mouslando airports. That is a generally depressed area since the oranges are not grown there anymore.

Pass the shaker of salt as you read this... I've never lived there, but know folks who do. But the first sentence is hard truth. I have lived in coastal areas, so there is some credibility.


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