Sweet and most bodacious List Mom, what is the charge to procure a pan to allow Gump to once more roam the streets of Seattle? It would need the drain plug installed and maybe a few pan bolts. Shipped to 98105

On Sunday, February 12, 2006, at 08:31 AM, Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:

I have plenty of them around.

OK Don wrote:

One would think that our local list mom - used parts dealer would have
chimed in by now ---

On 2/11/06, redghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Suggestion of non 61x models to scrounge from?  there are no diesel
living at the PnP and the local recycler does not bother with 70's cars

On Saturday, February 11, 2006, at 04:24 PM, Jim Cathey wrote:

Something jumped up and bit the sh*t out of my oil pan in Gump.

Time to get out the welder!  Welding oily/fuely metal can be tricky,
as it soaks into the pores.  Can be done, however.  Of course, a
U-Pull pan, if available, is easier and plenty cheap enough.

-- Jim

Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

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