My wife has been following all this stuff on the web: FBI reports, Clinton 
Foundation, DNC emails, and more. She says the news media is only covering a 
very small percentage of what's out there to read. If most taxpayers would pull 
their heads from their butts, they'd be picketing in DC to demand Hillary 
jailed for treason, the Clinton Foundation dissolved and the money given to 
reduce the national debt because of money laundering and influence peddling, 
and much more. I guess the DNC "vetted" Wasserman just as thoroughly as they 
"vetted" Obama. Unfortunately, Debbie doesn't have the money or the future 
Supreme Court Justices to hide stuff for her. We should all give a big "thank 
you" to Wikileaks otherwise there would be SOOOOO much that we would not know. 
Keep your eyes and ears open, 
Roger Hale 
Dinnerware Classics, Inc. 
Monroe, Ga. 


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