On Tuesday, February 21, 2006, at 01:40 PM, R A Bennell wrote:

So where do you get the wood? Around here, firewood is relatively expensive. The other alternative is to get it yourself but that requires a fair amount
of equipment to do right. Also a dry place to store it etc.

My wood comes from the woods. Where else? I have access to many wood lots, logged land and logging headers. We do not own a wood lot but nature occasionally provides us with a blow-down. Another good source of easy to get at wood is when the Power Co clears the growth that can damage power lines.

Also wonder about your insurance company. Around here, a woodstove is
becoming an option that most insurance companies are not happy about.
"Proper" installation is expensive and takes a fair amount of space.
I go above and beyond building code requirements. I want to stay warm not die trying. We have no problem with insurance as a result of complying.

We are fortunate enough to have fairly reasonable natural gas rates so far.
My 1800 square foot 2 storey costs, on average $150 per month to heat
(including heating water). That is on a budget plan that runs throughout the
year so we pay in the summer as well.
We fill our 1,000 gal tank every Summer when prices are more reasonable but only use between 400 and 600 gal/year. Our furnace supplies the hot water.

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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