On one hand, we have a candidate who, if elected, will do the following:

1. Grant pardons to all the felons associated with voter fraud, dirty DNC tricks, CCF dirty tricks, CCFF dirty tricks, CF campaign dirty tricks, all the various people, living or dead, who have murdered for the CCF and to anyone who voted (J), living or dead. (Includes Humie Weiner)
2.  Appoint illegal aliens to the supreme court
3. Grant amnesty to all illegal aliens, and make sure they are all registered under various aliases to vote.
4.  Imprison or murder all political enemies/resistance.
5. Impose a tax on all graft and other payment for corrupt practices by any goobermnt employee from dog catcher to Veep. All proceeds go to the CCFF. 6. Appoint (J) flunkies to all congressional seats open because the former occupant was imprisoned or murdered.
7.  Ban christianity.
8. Decree omummercare ended, and goobermnt "hillarycare" medicine in place. Any person not able to perform slave labor will be exterminated.

On the other hand, we could vote for someone who has pledged to do the following:

* begin implementing the 8-Point Plan for the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration:*

1. On Day One, we will roll out our plan to *BUILD THE WALL*, send
   criminal illegal immigrants home, and finally end the open borders
2. Begin renegotiating *ALL* unfair trade deals like NAFTA which have
   undercut American employment and exported our prosperity.
3. *CANCEL* all executive orders, bureaucratic rules, and crippling
   regulations that send American jobs overseas.
4. Work with Congress to *REPEAL* and replace the disastrous ObamaCare
   legislation that is ruining American healthcare.
5. Lift the radical Obama regulations on America’s energy industry to
   *END* our dependence on foreign sources and create new jobs here at
6. Propose, pass, and sign into law a massive *TAX CUT* for all working
   Americans and unleash the jobs-creating power of our small businesses.
7. *NOMINATE* Supreme Court Justices who will uphold the Founders’
   Constitution and not legislate the liberal agenda from the bench, and…
8. *IMPOSE* strict new ethics rules to restore the integrity of the
   Office of the Secretary of State.


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