Spent the day working on the brake issues.  PIA

IT rained last night, so had to wallow in the wet putting the car on jack 
stands, removing the hard line, taking off the calipers, attempting to remove 

The SEL line did go on, even though it was a bit off with a few angles.  At the 
moment, there is still no fluid making it to the rear calipers.

Old calipers were hard to convince to let go.  I as able to BFH the driver 
side, but passenger side was a no go.  My Crapsman impact tool was non function 
at the trigger.   I tried al the wrenches.  Pooped out, so hit a pawn shop to 
see what the prices were.  Turned out they charge almost retail for used gear.  
So, I picked the low end HD impact hammer air tool.  It did the trick.

Rotors were less than willing to let go.  Neither side would come off no matter 
the blows with a rubber mallet or the 4# BFH.  They would loosen, but hung up 
on the parking brake bottoms.  Screw it!   I will come back to that when I can 
figure out how to get the top of the darn hoses loose.    Anybody have a good 
idea?  I put heat to them, Kroil, freeze stuff, there was an excess of slippage 
and the 11mm nut wanted to round.  I stopped before I really did damage.

I put the fresh built calipers on with the old hoses.   I cracked the bleeder 
and filled the reservoir.  Then, I pumped the stop pedal like a mad man for 
around 20 minutes.  Nothing was coming out the far end.  It was getting dark 
and there was not enough time to build a pressure bleeder.  I did have a coke 
bottle that I tried to make a quick vac bleeder out of.  It crushed.  Instead 
of messing about more, I put everything away and went in for dinner.

While cooking, I saw an old Nalgene bottle on the counter and decided that 
would be a better pressure vessel.   I poke holes sized for the tubing, slipped 
them in, used some RTV to seal it, and will allow that to set up, then try to 
draw out the brake fluid in the morning


2002 s430 - Victor, a Stately & well tailored chap
1974 450sl -  Frosch - Two tone green
1986 SDL - Polei

retired models-
1976 300D - Blei Vanst - it looks silvery
1972 220D - Gump - She was green, simple and ran
1995 E300D - Gave her life to save me against a Dame in a SUV
POS 1987 SDL - Beware Nigerian Scammers

> On Oct 27, 2016, at 1:52 PM, clay via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> OK.
> I cut it beyond the points I needed.  The front where it joins at a brass 
> fitting and at the rear junction with the side split.  Cut beyond those point 
> on the excess side.  I will unhook it from the unions and give it a good long 
> blast to clear any loogies, then hook it in where it belongs.  Maybe I use 
> the dead one to make a few spares to put on the CL to recoupe my investment.  
> These silly things sell for mighty dollars
> clay

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