Just as the subject line says, TIMING IS EVERYTHING! I took the valve cover off this little 220D today and checked things over. It appears that the
TIMING is far from perfect right now.  There are points in the engine
revolution where the chain can be lifted away from the cam sprocket anywhere from 1/4 to about 1/2 of an inch. For some reason, this doesn't seem normal
to me.  I think that this engine is in need of a new chain.  However, I
don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on this engine if it's warn out.
Any suggestions on what I should do would be appreciated!

Sounds like the tensioner is shot, or perhaps a guide rail is broken
or something else is preventing the tensioner from taking up all the
slack.  It _could_ be the chain, but it'd have to be mighty sloppy
to get it to that point where the tensioner could no longer do the
job.  And, even if the tensioner is causing this problem it doesn't
mean that the chain doesn't also need replacing!

Regardless, it needs immediate attention I'd say.

-- Jim

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