Driving back form a short vacation Sunday, we pull up to a stop sign in the van, and steam is coming form the hood. Not good. So we turn right and right again into a baptist church lot. They were still in service. So I pop the hood, and look around. no blown hoses, no signs of radiator busted, but antifreeze is running out of the hood insulation. No signs of the source of water. So i got a ride back to a dollar general, buy some water. Meantime, the church lets out, and some guys come over to try to he'p. one has a jug of water. so in goes the water and start the engine. no leak. He tells 'em to rev the engine... antifreeze spraying out of a prastic Y for the heater hoses. another guy has a roll of duct tape.

There is a oreally open on New year's day, about 5-6 miles away. meanwhile I get a call at the DG, explaining where the leak was. Well, I was right that with more water we could find the leak. So i got a roll of duct tape, some super seal glue, and the water. When I got back the guy had taped up the Y and everyone had left. I smeared the superseal glue all over the tape and hoses. We drove on cautiously into town. Made it. added some water. that oreally didn't have the Y but wanted to sell me a $90 Y with 2 1' long hoses and a 4" long hose, and 3 clamps. a "better" sale for the store than a $1 Y for $11. Another one down the road did have the Y so we drove on there. by then the water level in the overflow/supply bottle had stabilized. I bought the Y, and decided to head "home" about 60-70 miles away. made it. I am convinced the "superseal" made the difference.

Once home, in between torrential rains, i sliced the old clamps with the dremel, pulled off the hoses. The prastic Y crumbled. 40-50 years ago we had nylon Ys that were durable. this thing was somekind of styrene filled with ground fiberglass or crud, with walls only 1 to 1.5 mm thick. it crumbled in my hand.

I installed the new prastic Y and decided not to waste antifreeze yet. Put in water. I found a brass Y from china on freebay for $5.80, so I will order that. When it gets here on the boat, I will put that in and only then put in the new G-05. the G-05 lost was only 21 months old. Now the van is on the downside of being a decade old, and out of warranty, but being stranded due to a cheep chinee prastic part is un-excusable!


Anyone know a lawyer who wants to start a class action against the auto makers for cheaping out on cheap parts? People in this country die because a car or pickup breaks down. all the airbags do know good if your car or you is F.O.R.D. !!!


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