I agree with Rick - meaning no emergency evacuations because a 270,000 acre 
wildfire is right across the street from your home - like I had to do 
Definitely wasn’t boring!

On Dec 17, 2017, at 13:16, Dan wrote:

Put a new O ring on the oil dipstick on the E320 wagon.  Did the same on the 
SL500, as it was leaking a little and not fitting tightly in the tube.  Had a 
250,000 km high mileage badge from one of the previous cars I owned.  Put it on 
the wagon, since it’s got 173k.  Gotta fill out the form and have the dealer 
verify it for the wagon so I can get another.
Still bored.  Taking oldest son to range to shoot pistols for lack of anything 
else to do.  Nice day for it, going to be close to 80F.

And Rick wrote From: Rick Knoble <rickkno...@hotmail.com>

Dan sez:

> ‎Still bored. Taking oldest son to range to >shoot pistols for lack of 
> anything else to >do.

Count your blessings...
I have said for at least the last 20 years "Boring is good". 

Meaning, no emergency visits to the hospital, no caring for sick kids, no 
fixing crashed cars, no arguing with SWMBO, no doctor visits, no lawyer visits, 
no undertaker visits, no chaos, no drama...

Who leads a boring life

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