
With summer rapidly approaching here in Okanogan County, WA, I again find
that my ACC is acting up.  Last Summer, the A/C would come on eventually
after roasting me in the car for up to 15 minutes (yes, I roll down the
windows to allow the 100 degree breeze to blow through!).  I also found that
the system would not cycle to a cooler air setting as the car warmed up

The questions:  Does the 126 have a climate control brain-box, or has this
function been built into the ACC pushbutton box if there is a brain box,
where is it located?  Secondly, during a cool winter afternoon, I placed a
small piece of tissue on the temp sensor intake near the interior light with
negative resultions for the appearance of suction.  2nd (group of)
questions:  Is there enough suction caused by the temp sensor to hold a
piece of tissue?  If so, where is the foam tube located for this
application, and is this one as easily repaired as the 123?

I appreciate any advice in these matters.

Warmest (and getting hotter) regards!

Rory Morrison
Oroville, WA
1985 300SD
1982 300TD

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