BBC had an article this morning about how the Brits are attempting to manage 
the plague so that it is delayed until summer months, so their nationalist 
socialist health care system is better able to cope with it while the kids are 
all home from schools.  Instead of closing down schools now, which will force 
healthcare workers to stay home with the kids while the normal ebb and flow of 
winter and spring ailments are culling the herd.

The idea is to instead of having a sharp and swift peak in the bell curve, then 
resolution, with possible re-occurances in Autumn, that the whoohoo flu will 
slowly build to a minor hump sometime in early July, then very gradually peter 
out over an extended period into the deep fall.

 “The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men 
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!”

Robert Burns, To a Mouse


> On Mar 12, 2020, at 5:39 PM, Max Dillon via Mercedes <> 
> wrote:
> I think we're seeing a nasty feedback loop. The media and the democrats (but 
> I repeat myself) are hyping this really hard, trying to drive panic that will 
> cause a recession, and hope that helps their election odds. Trump is 
> over-reacting in order to show that he's doing something, to help his 
> re-election. If both sides would focus on a measured appropriate response, in 
> the best interests of the country, we'd be just fine. Instead they are making 
> a mountain from a mole hill.
> Normal seasonal flu is still more deadly.
> The swine flu killed over a thousand Americans before barry declared an 
> emergency, no panic back then.
> Max Dillon
> Charleston SC


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