I am wondering if there is a portable or a semi portable mileage computer available out there for diesel cars and or trucks!

In the Dodge diesel pickup the factory mileage computer is open-loop,
in that it's not measuring fuel consumption at all.  (This is difficult
to do, especially with a fuel return line to measure also.)  Instead
it just measures the position of the fuel rack and consults its internal
table of fuel delivery to _assume_ what is being consumed.  Tolerably
accurate, unless there is something wrong or modifications have been
made.  Certainly as accurate as, let us say, a temperature gauge that
only has two positions!

I have always assumed that this is because measuring true consumption
is difficult, expensive, or involves relatively unreliable sensors,
or some combination of the above.  I also assume that they pretty
much all do it this way, so it's not like the junkyards are filled
with easily-salvageable fuel flow sensors.

-- Jim

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