Great story of a GOOD ride

Dwight Giles Jr.
Wickford RI

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020, 3:18 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Fri Sat Sun I did a bike ride "Bicycle Across South Carolina"
> 48 miles the first day (Friday) on a lot of dirt fire/logging "roads"
> and other back dirt/gravel roads, not a lot of pavement. It had rained
> the night before so some of these "roads" were pretty soft and wet with
> mud and very soft beach-type sand.  It was a struggle.  Not much actual
> road so few vehicles the whole ride.
> Saturday was 54 miles on mostly dirt/gravel, some pavement, and 10 miles
> on the Santee dike (dirt/gravel service road on top), which contains
> Lake Santee that was built back in the 30s? to provide cooling water for
> a huge power plant.  I am told that the power company maintains 40some
> miles of these dikes/dams, which is the largest amount anywhere in the
> world.  They reinforced a lot of it in the 80s to withstand earthquakes
> but there was a large stretch that would have cost $500mil back then so
> they started buying up land downstream of a potential break to clear
> people out of the way.  Saw a lot of farmland and some interesting
> sights back in the country off the beaten path.  I had no idea all this
> stuff existed, I knew it was rural up there but it is REALLY rural!  Not
> a lot of commerce other than farming.  Saw very few vehicles so it was a
> comfortable ride.
> Yesterday was the last day, 50 miles mostly through the Francis Marion
> on dirt/gravel roads which were very well maintained so fairly easy
> riding but BO.RING!  Did 1 mile on the Palmetto Hiking Trail which
> necessitated walking the bike along most of it except for a coupla
> hundred yards that was ride-able, sorta.  A lot of that area was
> blackwater cypress swamp which is very interesting, the rest is managed
> pine forest, mostly loblolly pine to feed lumber and paper mills, but
> some of it is being replanted in the original longleaf pine.
> Interestingly enough I heard some birds but saw absolutely no wildlife
> in  ~40miles through the forest.  I guess there are deer and bear back
> in there but saw no sign of anything.  Kinda weird.  Hardly any vehicles
> once we got into the forest, so again a quite comfortable ride without
> having to worry about getting run over.
> After 149miles I had a blowout 3mi from the finish, managed to get a new
> tube in and rode on in.  Lunch and cobeer (Fat Tire was a sponsor!)
> waiting so that was welcome.  The ride was fully supported, we camped in
> 2 state parks and a city park, they had portapots and food and beer and
> restrooms/showers in the parks so that was good, hauled our impedimenta
> from one site to the next. Snack stops on the routes, SAG vehicles
> following along to deal with any problems.  We bused from the finish
> site to the start for the first night's stayover, then rode back from
> there.
> My butt hurts!  Gotta get a suspension seat post to take out some of the
> pounding.  I rode my Trek 920 Touring bike, which is pretty comfortable
> riding (aside from the lack of suspension other than my butt), 29" tires
> so rolls pretty well even on rough terrain, has wider off-road tires so
> handles that aspect well.  Kind of an all-around bike.  Several riders
> commented on it and were thinking about getting one though they seem to
> be discontinued, maybe.
> Interestingly enough there are NO trail bikes available most anywhere
> for the last several weeks, people have been buying them out during the
> covids.  I rode a bit with one woman who said she got the last mtb in
> all of Charleston area about 3 weeks ago, it was not a particularly good
> bike but it was working OK.  After the first night of rain (setting up
> camp in the dark and rain! the buses were 2.5hr late picking us up...)
> we had great weather, high 60s low 70s, very low humidity, perfect
> riding weather.
> And did I mention I turned 66 (wtf? how does that happen???) on Friday,
> so this was a bit of birfday challenge to see if I could still grind out
> the miles, I guess I am not ready for the discard pile yet!  Legs were a
> bit stiff this morning but I soon worked that out, don't feel too bad
> although I am hungry!  Not like I need to replace any lost, uh, energy
> stores though...
> Oh, and I loaded my bike and impedimenta in the $700ML500 and carried it
> all up to the start site about an hour away, up past Max's
> neighborhood.  Longest ride in it, everything was fine, so getting
> confidence in it.  Gotta get a hitch setup for my bike rack, taking it
> apart to fit in the hatch was a bit of a pain but it slid in there well
> along with my other gear.
> Thanks for sharing!
> --
> --FT
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