
Well the 2002 e320 wagon with fries sucks today ….

I drove it to the Kroger to get a dozen Valentine’s Day roses for the pretty 
red headed woman … well, no good deed goes unpunished.

So, I drove the hovercraft about 8 miles to the Kroger on the next island, 
uneventfully. Last week, if you remember I replaced the key cases …. The 
originals were busted up. When I bought the car, previous owners said key #1 
started the car and key #2 supposedly didn’t start but remote worked …. After 
new fob cases and batteries, both keys would start and work the locks. So after 
shopping the key would not turn … I got some errors, I assume on the cluster 
but each time it would be different including maybe an r5 or r 3 but maybe some 
segments of the lower right window in the cluster are out … by the way, I 
couldn’t operate the big cluster display … odometer etc today … it had always 
been dim but today nothing.

I messed around with some stuff …. Lock unlock etc   I also used a screwdriver 
and put the shift selector in neutral etc … will a car such as this start in 

I also located the battery under right rear seat … it’s a nice big one that 
could run a 123 diesel …. And I removed and replaced all the fuses … are there 
a bunch of blank spots in the fuse panel. It was dark, so that was all I could 
do … I would have disconnected the battery but I had no tools or Mercedes’ tool 
or first aid kit … just one screwdriver 

So I called the red headed woman and she brought me the other key which I 
suppose I should have had in the car. Bingo it started up fine and I drove 
home. Once home key number one still didn’t work and key two still works.


One bit of back story … we had maybe five plus inches of rain and the car was 
parked in 2-3 inches of water, but no more. Water never touched  the car except 
from rainfall. Everything was dry around the electronics … where is the main 
ECU ? Passenger kick panel or somewhere around there?

So far I’ve only replaced mechanical things … key cases, hood release and 
windshield wiper … and am about to replace hood lift struts ….. maybe I should 
just sell it to Floyd!! Or make him help me diagnose it with his fancy Chinese 

Oh, there was a box marked Motorola and Benz under the drivers side rear seat 
…. What is that an analog cellphone? Can I just unplug all that without 
disturbing the nannies?

I know I need to replace all the fuses.

This is a lot … call it the Valentine story. And yes, I gave her the roses 🌹 at 
the Kroger.

Xx rick


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