It is 'manifold' because on many compressors there's more than
one inlet and outlet hole that are ganged together by the manifold.
(Not so on an old York.  Definitely so on many others I've worked on.)
The heat and vibration there seems to be hard on the O-rings.  The
manifolds I'm familiar with need four.

If you're worried about environmental discharge due to an incomplete
repair, there's always test refrigerant.  Enviro-safe is one brand, or you
can roll your own.

> cans of R-134a that are about $10-$12 which you can get at any FLAPS.

Not in WA.  I drove across the border to ID, and found a pallet stacked
higher than my head of the stuff at Wal-Mart.  $10/can.  Wasn't it $5/can
two years ago?

The now-ancient garage refrigerator/freezer uses R12.  My dead tabletop
icemaker used R134a.  I noticed that the new replacement I just bought
uses R600a.  Isobutane, in other words.

Expect that 'for the environment' refrigerant changes to be legislated
now approximately every patent cycle.  Of course this is not causal,
it's purely 'for the children'...

-- Jim


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