Following up on my question of last week, I bought a 9 blade radiator fan from Rusty for my 1983 300TD after he advised that it should fit the stock visco clutch--it did. My unscientific tests of its cooling effectiveness included chugging around town with the ac on, and going up my favorite Italian tune up hill, I90 climbing west out of the Mississippi River Valley. Around town, the temp guage stayed slightly below 90--previously, it would have been at 90; and on the Italian tune up, the temp maxed out slightly below 100(ac on) whereas it usually would slightly top 100 on that run. So I think it is a little better for cooling effectiveness. I have not so good hearing(too much hunting) so the fan noise has never been an issue with me--I did compare operation of the clutch when cold and again at the top of the hill and could hear more air blowing when hot, so I think the clutch is still working as intended.
               Peter Ferguson
1983 300TD

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