This is where the Q will be held this year, October 28th from 12:00pm
till 5:00pm. Barbeque Pork & Chicken, Baked Beans, Mac & Cheese, Slaw,
Soft Drinks, Cold Beer & Wine. So far, we have over 50 RSVP's. Don't
delay, call or email and tell us your coming. Bring your wife, your
girlfriend, your pet. Bring you car so we call all gaze at it. It's the
event of the year. People are coming from Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
New Jersey, shoot, from all over the World. How can you pass up a chance
to see rusty, patched up old beater Benzes? You also get to meet Jabba
the Hurst aka Docktor Fatty. All this for free. Any questions, call
Rusty @ 1-800-741-5252. 

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