on 11/7/06 6:56 AM, Tony Wirtel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Steve MacSween wrote:
>>> As for CR, I have been slinging sh*t at what they have to say about cars for
>>> some time. They are nerdish in the extreme, in what they like and dislike.
>>> Plus they have pared-down the way they report auto tests so much, it's
>>> borderline stupid.
>> Well, yes.  The word "stodgy" comes to mind.  It seems to be all about
>> how many people and suitcases the car can hold comfortably.  I always
>> feel like their ideal car would be something mid-size and bland, like a
>> Chevy Malibu.
> David:
> Smack a Toyota nameplate on that Malibu and they'll be falling over
> each other with praise.
> Tony Wirtel


These are guys who test two-seater sports cars and complain about the lack
of luggage space. Duh.

Plus lately they have begun testing very high end machinery, which I think
is just plain idiotic. Like you need commentary on how many storage bins and
cupholders the thing has, if you can afford to plunk down 80 large on your
ride. Duh x 2.



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