hi David!

    we seem to have a lack of common understanding of what "quality" lamps or 
properly" means; with the exception of High Beams, properly aimed quality 
lights will
not "dazzle" anyone. (in my last post i'm forgetting that quality lamps aren't 
most of our US cars came with and not everyone is familiar with how good lights 
be compared to DOT junk; i've been using H4 sealed bulb lamps in all my 
vehicles for
years and the DOT lights almost immediately go in the trash.)

    more lights that don't "dazzle" an oncoming motorist are simply more lights 
make that motorist aware of you and judge your position by, and more different 
of lights (like what many of our MBZs have) make it that much more likely that 
be noticed. sadly, we share the roads with some truly poor drivers in the US; 
you might have perfect vision and never miss a thing, just ask any firefighter 
ambulance driver how often people will pull out of their rigs even with their 
lights flashing!

    daytime use of running lights (what you and many Amerikuns call "parking 
helps make you more easily seen in shadows of trees or buildings, on overcast 
under bridges and overpasses, etc.. since it's not likely anyone could complain 
those are "dazzling", i don't see how anyone could have any objection to 
daytime use
of them and generally practice that myself. more oddly, this is illegal in at 
some states, but not in others...?
    as an example of how non-universal your opinion might be, take notice that 
Amerika got wise to the BS of low-power high beams as activated as Daytime 
Lights, manufacturers of many vehicle (including everything from Corvettes to 
trailers) set up their vehicles to use the front running/parking lights 


David Brodbeck wrote:

> I don't see how running with fog lights will make your car any more
> visible to other motorists than having just your headlights on.  Even
> when aimed properly, they still create another bright point source of
> light to dazzle oncoming drivers.
> My personal nomination for the dumbest use of lighting, though, are
> people who drive around with just their parking lights on.

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