At my son's school a few years back, parents bought a classmate a new Jaguar XK droptop when he got his license. It lasted less than 2 seeks before he met a deep ditch on the side of the road one night, totaling the Jag but leaving him intact. So, I guess their reasoning was that a sports car was unsafe for him, so they bought him a Hummer H1 to replace the Jag. Bigger and safer donchaknow.

My son suggested they also buy him a case of Jack Daniels to go with the vehicle, just so he could get the full experience. Another classmate had a 78 300D, they had the loose affiliation of the old Benz club.


Steve MacSween wrote:
on 12/5/06 1:43 PM, Werner Fehlauer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IMO, letting an 18 year old into a 3 series BMW or a 'vette is putting them
in serious harm's way!

Nothing short of insane, frankly.

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