I've been using Mobil 1 0w40 for the last five winters.  I  change to M1 
15w40 for the summers.  I live in Northern IL.  My 83  300D has 192, 000 mi. on 
it, and I've put about half of these miles on as the  second owner.  When I got 
the MB even after valve adjustments, gp changes,  etc., I had trouble starting 
it in sub 25 degree weather w/o it being plugged  in.
After changing to M1 0w40 and keeping up with the maintenance, since I  
changed to synthetic, winter starting has improved greatly over the dino  
BTW, I may burn 3/4 of a quart of M1 every 2, 500  mi.      
And...............the car has quieted down  greatly.
Just my experience.

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