On Mon, 22 Jan 2007, Werner Fehlauer wrote:

> John - Startech07 is 18-21 May, with most of the "classroom" session on 
> Saturday.  On Friday evening, they are planning a bus ride from Reston up to 
> Dundalk for an evening tour of the Vehicle Prep Center, and then a follow-on 
> dinner at Phillips before riding back to Reston Town Center.  Monday they 
> plan on going over to Summit Point for a run at the track.  Again, check out 
> the GWS web site for more info.
> Werner

Cool :) 

Reston Town Center, thats off of VA602 just north of VA267 (Greenway/Toll 
Road, right?).. If you go north a couple of more lights there is a big 
shopping center with a Best Buy in it, and in one corner is a chain french 
resturant "La Madeline" (which isn't too bad for a chain). I've eaten more 
than one lunch there! 

I think I have driven home from there "on autopilot"... There are a couple 
of pool halls around there too, There is one called the "Carpool Wax" 
(IIRC) which is a smoking establishment with a good deal of character... 
Lots of old signage including a couple of sets of Burma-Shave signs. Over 
at the "Clock Tower" called "Breakers" (Whatever exit 10 off VA267 is, go 
south to Sunset Valley  and it is on the southeast side of the 
intersection... I think if you take a jaunt up to Exit 7 (Ashburn) there 
is the Old Dominion brew pub :) 


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