Jim - after more than 30 years of using PCs (starting with an 8080 in kit form), I suppose I'm too old to switch to one of those Apple/Mac/whatever boxes. Even worked up a box with a 6502 processor (as used in the early Apples) but on an S-100 bus, with a 300 baud modem using tape on the Kansas
City standard.  In those days memory was around $100 a K!

I sit here not five feet from my 1802 kit box, and its successor the
semi-kit 6502 OSI machine.  (Cassette for both, floppies later added
to the OSI.)  And _its_ successor, the 68000 S-100 system.  My first
hard disk, and the first to even need a 16-bit address bus.

What followed that?  Not a PC, I looked at one and walked away in
disgust.  I waited, and succumbed to an original Mac.  A NeXT followed
it, a variety of work-origined Unixey machines, and now a variety of
PPC Macs all running OSX.

I still have them all.  By the time I'm done with them they're
worth far more to me as mementos than as assets to be sold.

It's never too late to change, all you have to do is be
willing to make a real upgrade.  Not the same old SOS with
maybe a few more mega-whatevers to it.

Let us hope that Apple can survive long enough to get smug
and get their ass kicked by something that is new and truly
better.  It won't come out of the Wintel hegemony, I'll tell
you that.  Wherever it would come from, it would be good for
us all.  Competition is like that.

-- Jim

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