Cooking classes. When I was 20something I took some Chinese cooking classes in Cambridge, MA. I was the only guy in them, except for one who signed up with his girlfriend so they could both get out of the house together (from the spouses). They soon disappeared, so me and several girls. Not only did I learn how to cook Chinese food (from a Polish Jew, go figure, who took Asian studies at Hahvahd and lived in China for awhile) who was also kinda hot and somewhat "interested," it kept my social life going for a few years -- I would go to parties with one girl or another, meet others too. I got considerable interest from the women in the classes (I ended up taking 3 I think, over a year or so), who appeared to have signed up to meet guys. Some good times, in the classes and out. Going out after for a pop was always fun too, me and 3 or 4 girls (including one or two who were married but drank double and acted single). I think all of them were professional types, educated, and mostly very nice and fun. One of them I got fairly friendly with was truly a psycho, but she was wicked smart, attractive, and also quite nice (she would tell me about these bizarre things her roommate did, then I found out she had no roommate, she was talking about herself in a way her shrink told her to talk to me about these things to get a gauge on my "acceptance"... oh well). She was a lead-in though to another girl who was, um, very much fun to be with, nudge nudge wink wink say no more, who turned out to be TOO much fun to be with, and required more, lots more, fun than I was able to provide given some geographic constraints).

I worked with my wife, but the Chinese food was a big plus in the early stages. No other straight guy could cook like I could.

Or you could tell your parents you're gay, they would likely drop dead, then you wouldn't have to worry about it any more.


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