Today was "Show your Wheels" day at work. I went to the grocery store last 
night and picked up 2 gallons of veggie oil (soy was cheapest so thats what I 
got). Tossed 'em into the tank of the 190D, printed out a "BioFuel FAQ" and it 
drew people like moths to a light.
They wanted to know the mileage and what modifications I'd made (none) how much 
the oil cost and how much could I use and on and on.
I ran it and I'd say the soy oil smells better than canola I'd used the past. 
I'd originally wanted to use corn but thats $1.50 a gallon more and I figured I 
was already economically unsustainable enough...
Anyway a guy with a beautiful old Mustang won a nice little trophy. I don't 
care so many people actually thanked me for bringing my car out that it was 
totally worth it...


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