You would be well advised not to read my posts if you don't have a sense 
of humor and a strong stomach.
After all what offends you may have some else laughing. That is the 
nature of humor, attempted or otherwise.
And no I am not going to apologize, I did not aim that cheap shot (pun 
intended) at anyone in particular and you know what they say about shoes 
I am not going to go into the whole Freudian thing but it is a well 
documented fact that men compensate for their imagined lack of manhood.
Some invade Poland, some buy sports cars and some do supposedly macho 
things like collecting and using powerful firearms.
I was going to go in further detail but it seems I am not allowed to use 
words like pe**s or heavens forbid should I use the v word. You know 
that dictionary is full of sinful words, how did it ever get past the 
Anyway it just goes to prove what a sexual intercoursed up world we live 
in, talk about guns and shooting things all you like but mention the 
human reproductive organs and you'll go straight to hell.
Oooh no, now I've done it, I said s*xual in**rcourse, perhaps if I 
pretend to own lots of guns and like shooting dumb animals I may be 
Better stop now or Kaleb will hit the big red button and perhaps shoot 
me just for good measure.

Kevin wrote:
> It's one thing to say "this is OT, can we take it elsewhere". It's 
> entirely another to take an intolerant cheap shot. All that does is 
> spawn animosity, and keep a bitter debate going.
> Not to mention, the mere mention of a certain five letter word you used
> (regardless of the size, shape, texture, effectiveness, or whatnot)
> would have got you poofed by Mr. Hankie on the other list.
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 10:28:07AM +0930, Hendrik wrote:
>> I don't suppose you could set up a separate list so us non gun freaks 
>> don't have to listen to you lot discuss which handgun kills better.
>> Perhaps you could call it the 

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