
I don't have enough knowledge about your particular model but do have a 
bit of general mechanical experience with a lot of different vehicles.
Not being there to hear what the engine actually sounds like when it is 
turning over to hear if there are compression pulses when the starter is 
turning, I can come up with only three or four things that could have 
the starter turning the engine but not have the belt turning.

1. the flywheel has come disconnected from the crankshaft so that the 
starter is just turning the flywheel and nothing else. This might be the 
most likely as your wife said the car went slower till it rolled to a 
stop. You might ask if the engine was revving real fast but the car was 
still slowing down. That would seem to pin it down to this diagnosis.

2. the pulley on the front of the crankshaft has come loose so that 
while the crankshaft is turning the pulley and belt are not. On the road 
the engine temp would have gone up really high because the water pump 
was no longer turning and power would have dropped off and even though 
the accelerator was being pushed harder the car and engine would have 
gone slower and slower till the engine locked up. The no start and 
faster starter turning could then be due to very low compression.

3. One of the accessory items driven by the belt is locked up keeping 
the belt from turning but the crank pulley is still turning. Unlikely as 
that should make some kind of noise unless the belt is really loose. The 
symptoms on the highway would probably be the same as for No 2. since 
the water pump would not be turning in this case also.

4. The crank is broken right at the back of the engine which would give 
the same effect as in # 1. There again not knowing too much about the 
history of the engine model I don't know if #1 or #4 is something that 
happens or has happened. Of course the crank could have broken at any 
place along it but that would have made some horrible noises as the 
pistons and valves collided.

I have come across all 4 of these problems in other cars and while they 
are possibilities they are not necessarily what is wrong in your case. 
You would need to check to see if the pulley on the bottom front of the 
engine is actually turning. Check to see if cooling water was lost. 
Check to see if there is water in the oil, which might indicate 
overheating and cracking of a head or other overheating problem letting 
water into the crankcase. I would pull at least the front glow plug and 
then turn the engine over and see if you can here any air hissing out of 
the hole. It should be quite apparent even from the drivers seat as you 
crank the engine.

Hope some of this helps, and my condolences on your dad's medical 
problems. Having lost my own father a while back in much the same way I 
know what you are going through. If he is at all still conscious, say 
the things you want to say now, don't wait.


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