Thanks, Mitch.

Well, if your cousin is open to the inquiry, I'd be interested in inquiring
of him or her. I'm all about the sharing of info.

Yes, the points you raise are potential pitfalls with these fences.
Nothing's for sure with them and most of it depends on one's having a
compliant, predictable dog. Have a "good" dog and life will be easy. Have a
dog like my current Dobie, and life is hard.

I don't believe Schnauzers are wimps, but dogs do vary all over the map
within any given breed. I bet the zap is set kind of high. Hey, seems to
work - it's probably smart.


You shared:I just remembered, my uncle's family also has electric fence at
houses. I can give you the email address of one of my cousins if you want
to ask more questions. AFAIK, none of the dogs in my uncle's family have
trouble with the fence. They stop just before the beeping point and yap
like crazy when I visit there. Even if I get them excited, I can't get
them to go closer than 10' to the fence. If they make a mistake and get
close enough to beep, they act like it's the end of the world and run
halfway back to the house. I suspect the collars are set strong enough
to make the dogs scared to death of the shock. (either that, or Schnauzers
are wimps)
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