Allan Streib wrote:
> president in January 2009.  There are benefits to a two party system,
> ...Utopias don't exist.  Would you rather have Hillary or [Romney
> | McCain | Huckabee].  Because it WILL be one of them in January.

I really couldn't care less which of those socialists is POTUS next.
And that is why, if the two arms of the current one party system
give me choices from that list, I won't be voting for that system. 
If I wanted to choose from that list I'd vote Billary back in office,
because they would enjoy far less Congressional support than most. 

I've only voted for one republicrat party presidential candidate
in my life, and I chose the greatest of all evils. It really didn't
matter, my state's vote went to AlGoreJr, but I still hate myself
now for having cast a vote for a president who has done more than
any single man since FDR to expand our goverment outside of its
Constitutional restraints, and for the man who has done more than
any man in our nation's history to destroy the Bill of Rights.  
If National Socialism is what we can expect from the so-called
Republican Party, I fail to see how Hillary's brand of Marxism
could be any worse. 


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