Don't know so much about profiting but me thinks it is more about being 
in the limelight.
I think it is sort of like the rich having a fund raiser for the 
homeless by putting on a big do and then by the time they paid for all 
the works and jerks ending up with 200 bucks for the homeless.
They all had a fine time and have that warm fuzzy feeling of having done 
something but end up having achieved nothing but publicity for themselves.
Same with that Gore crap, preaching to the converted but the people who 
should have had a look didn't. I wonder if you did a survey of the top 
100 business people, how many actually watched that 'doco'? And of those 
who did, how many are actually looking into ways of reducing their 
carbon emissions?
Wonder how all those scientists feel that have been saying for years 
that there may be a problem but Gore sticks his nose in and walks away 
with a Noble price. If he was half decent he would have given that award 
to all the scientists on whose work he based his movie. Ahh sorry that's 
right, along with inventing the internet Al has also single handedly 
researched all about climate change and it's causes, affects and 
possible future implications.

who thinks that Al Gore should be upgraded from super hero status to God 

Donald Snook wrote:
> Zedic wrote:
> "Do you doubt that there's any truth to this horseshit?"
> That is the magic of Al Gore and his movement. He weaves the tiniest little 
> slice of truth into all of the other crap, and then acts self righteous when 
> his critics point out that a lot of what he has alleged is a) not true or 
> b)speculation at best c) contrary to how he lives his own life.
> Global warming is real - to what extent - is another story.  Is it man made? 
> I am not sure it all is.  Does it actually affect us?  Not sure about that 
> either.  Does Al Gore want to profit from his gloom and doom prophesy which 
> is yet to be shown the least bit accurate? THAT is one of the few things I am 
> certain about.
> Donald H. Snook

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