25.08.2016, 02:04, "timeless" <timel...@fmr.im>:
> + ui.progress(_("planning"), i, 'task',
> + _('changes'), rulelen)

> + ui.progress(_("planning"), i, 'task',
> + _('changes'), replacementlen)

Here's the header of progress function for context:

def progress(self, topic, pos, item='', unit='', total=None)

Nit: setting item to just 'task' is not very helpful, because it's meant to 
show distinct things so that users can understand better where exactly progress 
is. E.g. when you clone a repo the progress bar after "adding file changes" 
uses item to show filenames. It would be better to show here node hashes or 
chosen histedit actions or nothing at all (and save space).
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