> * `hg rebase` must be explicitly enabled. Some users think this means they
> shouldn't be using it.

Yeah as someone who is learning Mercurial I agree, usually I/people think that
we need extensions when we are doing something which is not normal/general.

> * `hg push` pushes all heads by default. Great if you are backing up your
> work to a non-publishing repo. Bad if you are trying to land something to
> the canonical repo.
> * `hg update` and `hg pull -u`'s heuristic based model can result in
> surprises
> * No easy way to figure out how the current working directory revision
> relates to the overall repo/DAG
> Many of us have installed extensions, aliases, etc on our own machines or
> have rolled these out to our users to pave over these deficiencies. That
> works... where you have control to do that. It doesn't generally work in
> open source: people are at the whim of what Mercurial supports out of the
> box.
> Many of us also understand the concepts of distributed version control -
> what the DAG is, how to interact with it, etc. It is really easy to lose
> sight of the fact that most users simply want to get stuff done and they
> don't care about the complexities. They will learn the minimum number of
> commands required to accomplish what they set out to do. A version control
> tool is a barrier to them getting actual work done. They will choose the
> mechanism that is simplest and fastest.
> Despite all of Mercurial's current deficiencies in this area, it's worth
> noting that I think it's still better off than Git. If the leap from single
> to multiple heads is hard, try introducing remote refs, tracking branches,
> detached HEAD, the reflog, the staging area, etc. And on top of that add a
> convoluted CLI that makes grasping the concepts difficult. Many of the
> hardcore MQ users at Mozilla detest Git because it is too complex. Only with
> a baptism of fire and likely a lot of hand holding do they warm up to Git.
> And - get this - once they learn the power of the DAG, of rebasing and
> interactive history editing, they fall in love. They think Mercurial's MQ
> model is primitive. Then I show them how to do "Git like" multiple head
> development in Mercurial and they're like "oh, this is basically the same
> except there aren't the complexities of understanding refs, the staging
> area, etc - this is quite nice."
> So, topics.
> I desperately want topics to be a compelling replacement for die hard MQ
> users. That means that topics needs to maintain the simplicity of MQ as much
> as possible. If people start with a single head repository, topics needs to
> be as simple to use as MQ is, even if multiple topics do introduce multiple
> heads in the DAG. Yet topics should also provide the features needed by
> advanced users - those who fully understand how the DAG works and how to
> manipulate changesets within it.
> For the beginning user, Mercurial/topics needs to provide:
> * A mechanism to show all active lines of work (list the topics) (and
> possibly how they relate to each other and the underlying repository)
> * A mechanism to show the current line of work (and possibly how it related
> to the overall repository)
> * A mechanism to show/search for unfinished changesets
> * A mechanism to provide a human friendly name to a changeset
> I think the existing topics experiment shows a ton of promise in these
> areas. And as a bonus, the transition from a beginning topics user (1
> published head, 1 topic) to more advanced scenarios is much better than with
> MQ because you don't have to transition to different commands (away from the
> q* MQ commands): you simply add more advanced commands like "rebase" and
> "merge" to your skills set without having to relearn anything. I also love
> how topics "fade away" when changesets become published. That's such an
> improvement over having to manually delete things later. Just as long as the
> user knows when their topics disappear...
> There are still some areas for improving topics.
> 1) `hg log` still shows *all* changesets in the repository. This is

We should limit the output to a certain number and will be better if we have
hg log --all to get all changesets. Same in the case of hg tags. I
think its better
to limit output to a certain number and have an --all flag which is
quite common.

> confusing for users that don't want to be burdened with the complexity of
> multiple heads. I'd like the behavior of `hg log` to only show ancestors -
> and possibly descendants - of the working directory changeset when the
> working directory changeset is unpublished and has a topic. If we show
> descendants, we should delimit the current changeset somehow, possibly by
> making -G or a mode like it the default in this scenario. Realistically, I
> think `hg log` should behave like `hg log -f` and `hg log --children` should
> supplement that with descendants and a marking of the wdir changeset. If
> there is a branch point in the descendants, we should automatically add the
> graphical view because showing changesets from multiple DAG heads without
> the graphical view is really confusing. I can also make the argument that
> the graphical view should always be shown so merge commits can be rendered
> properly.
> 2) There are ways to list all topics and to show the "stack" of changesets
> relevant to what I'm working on. This is great. We're still lacking a way to
> easily list and search "all my in progress work." I think something like
> Jordi's `hg wip` alias, Facebook's `hg smartlog` or my proposed `hg
> underway` formalization of these in the official distribution would go a
> long way to addressing this need. I think this command is also an excellent
> place to introduce beginner users to the DAG by rendering its graphical
> shape as part of rendering multiple unpublished heads / topics. When people
> see a concise view of all in progress work with the DAG shape, they can
> start to understand how all the changesets relate to one another and how
> commands like "rebase" work.
> 3) `hg topics` isn't showing any changeset metadata, such as the hash
> fragment, author, or first N characters of commit message. I like how `hg
> topics` is concise. But it is almost too concise. Not showing the author or
> commit message means users need to type another command to figure out what's
> actually in the topic. Not showing the changeset could mean some power users
> wanting to perform advanced operations like grafting a single changeset
> could have to perform a 2nd command in order to get the information they
> need.
> 4) `hg commit` allows the creation of new, label-less heads (no bookmark,
> topic, etc) or the creation of a divergent head on a topic. We should think
> long and hard about disallowing this by default in some scenarios (such as
> when a repo contains a topic authored by the user). We should also consider
> issuing a warning when creating a commit that isn't tracked by any label and
> providing a simple command to be printed in that warning that can easily
> correct that "mistake." (I vaguely recall discussions about "divergent"
> topics at various sprints, but I think it may have revolved around push/pull
> behavior?) The goal here is we want to guide beginner users to a single way
> of doing feature development. We want simple commands like `hg topic` to
> list all their in-progress work. We don't want their commits to fall through
> a crack into a "label-less" or "topic-less" world where they need to learn a
> new "advanced" command to find them, especially if the "advanced" command
> introduces them to more concepts, such as the DAG. We want users to be
> introduced to new concepts when they choose to, not when they make a mistake
> like failing to attach a topic to a commit. Power users won't like being
> forced to use topics. We can have a config flag to disable this. We can also
> provide `hg commit --force`.
> 5) `hg topics` feels like it could evolve to do too much. I like `hg stack`
> being in its own world. I wonder if we could further separate the querying
> pieces of `hg topics` from the manipulation pieces. I think it is important
> for commands that make important changes to be isolated from commands that
> just query.
> 6) `hg stack` needs some UX love. We could potentially also consolidate
> various functionality for "show relevant changesets" into the same command
> or suite of commands. Although I'd rather we not have a single command to do
> too much or require users to type too many characters or require too many
> concepts. In the `hg log` world, I've thought about a "magic log" command
> where you could have single character prefixes to "log" as a shortcut to
> enabling certain flags. e.g. `hg flog` == `hg log -f`, `hg glog` = `hg log
> -G`, `hg gflog` = `hg log -G -f`. Perhaps we could introduce `hg show
> <what>` to allow showing pre-defined, concise views of topics, bookmarks,
> stack, unfinished work, etc. This would avoid command proliferation while
> delimiting query commands from manipulation commands. `hg help show` would
> also serve as a gateway to discover other "views" and ways of doing things.
> `hg *show` would be reserved for shortcuts like `hg tshow` = `hg show
> topics`. Just a thought.
> OK. That's a long post. Hopefully I've given people things to think about. I
> want to emphasize topics has a lot of promise and there's a lot to love in
> its current implementation. I just hope we can leverage the opportunity to
> solve some longstanding shortcomings in the user experience in the process
> of implementing it. I hope we can design the experience such that it is
> enjoyable for existing MQ users and especially to new users of version
> control. If we can provide an experience that is compelling for new users
> and provides an effective transition towards advanced features without
> alienating power users, that will be a compelling reason to choose Mercurial
> over other version control tools. I think topics has that potential more
> than branches, bookmarks, and MQ ever did.
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