Sorry for replying late.

>>> I was working on this and had a doubt. Shall a folder containing files
>>> with only unknown and ignored status can be tersed as unknown?
>> The simple answer to this is yes, if for no other reason than one of the
>> upsides of terse-status is that it doesn't spend forever descending through
>> directory hierarchies that have no files managed by mercurial.
> I'm conflicted. In Subversion, the answer would be no, but svn:ignore isn't 
> recursive, and svn tracks directories, so it's not a great comparison. Let's 
> start with following Danek's instinct and see how it feels?

Since we are turning on terse for unknowns by default, the way to opt
out of terse will be bit confusing.

In the above case, it will be like:

$ hg status
? folder/

$ hg status -i
? folder/
I folder/a.pyc

Is there any other way we can turn on the terse for unknown and yield
a better UX.

In my opinion it will be better to have the --terse flag for sometime
and then switch the terse on for default for unknown.
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