Durham Goode <dur...@fb.com> writes:

> On 7/11/17 7:09 AM, Augie Fackler wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 11:42:48PM +0000, Phil Cohen wrote:
>>> Many of us enjoy the fast-paced collaboration that happens during 
>>> Mercurial's sprints. Alas, they only happen twice a year. In the interim, 
>>> many of us have used ad-hoc videoconferencing to whiteboard ideas ahead of 
>>> code review, and this has worked pretty well. It'd be great to do even more 
>>> here.
>>> One thing that was suggested in the last group get-together was to 
>>> establish a regular time for community members to “hang out” on VC if 
>>> they're available, and discuss any technical topics or proposals that come 
>>> up. The goal is for this to be informal, replicating the sprint atmosphere 
>>> as much as possible, so there'd be no need for a strict agenda (though we 
>>> could create one if there's sufficient demand for topics). If nobody ends 
>>> up wanting to talk about anything (a remote scenario, perhaps :) we can 
>>> always end early.
>>> These video chat sessions should hopefully fill a niche that's poorly 
>>> satisfied by IRC or e-mail today: discussing topics in-depth at high 
>>> bandwidth before patches hit the mailing list.
>>> Does this sound like something people would want to participate in? If so, 
>>> we should hash out a good time (spitballing: Friday mornings? One problem 
>>> is between US, Europe, and Japan, you can only ever pick satisfactory times 
>>> for two of the three), frequency (fortnightly?), and videochat platform 
>>> (Augie and I have used 
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__appear.in&d=DwIGaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=nuarHzhP1wi1T9iURRCj1A&m=_T5aO7D7rY_Z7ImHZYBM5Fgrqdmamr3GPqHqFthl-2A&s=Kafrn1OKTr8b6_4cLyRGdi8rogXB8ypSEfpqjp-LlPU&e=
>>>   before and it seems to work well).
>> I'm happy to try and join. I've considered having VC-available "office
>> hours" that people could use to get help on patches, debugging,
>> whatever. If there's interest in that I can try and pick a time.
>> Also happy to just casually hang out on VC once every couple of weeks.
> I'm all for it.  I think it would help keep things unblocked and the 
> sprint discussions tend to motivate people so perhaps regular 
> discussions would help keep the motivation flowing.
> We have plenty of topics going around these days:
> - phabricator
> - sparse
> - obsstore
> - upstreaming other extensions
> to name a few

I, too, am all for it. If for nothing else than to help convey tone /
feeling which text cannot do.

I'd be up for helping to get this going as well; perhaps to start with
we could try and reach out to known contributors that might miss this
kind of thing on the list?

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