Le 13 juil. 2017 5:37 PM, "Augie Fackler" <r...@durin42.com> a écrit :

> On Jul 13, 2017, at 05:15, David Demelier <demelier.da...@gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I'm one of the creator of the ConfigConsolidationPlan [0].
> In Mercurial there was a big issue regarding the options continuously
added without any guideline into the hgrc file. This leads to massive
inconsistency like :
>    allowpull
>    allow_push
>    assume-tty
> In the process of renaming those options without breaking existing user
installations, we have added a configitems registry + aliases. The aliases
offers a way to select the same option with a different section name (e.g.
ui.username also search for ui.user).
> I'll start renaming options once a convention has been chosen correctly,
I've proposed (seconded by Pierre-Yves) to use hyphens between words as
it's common in projects [2].

When you say "renaming" you just mean renaming the documented name of the
option, but still respecting the legacy name, right?

Yes, exactly.

> Please tell me your thoughts, if you are okay on this convention and I'll
start sending new aliases progressively.
> I'll also add an official guideline regarding option naming somewhere in
the wiki (probably on the guideline pages).
> Then I'll attire your attention to refuse any new code that won't follow
this convention.
> [0]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/ConfigConsolidationPlan
> [1]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/ConfigConsolidationPlan#
> --
> David Demelier
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