swhitaker added a comment.

  @ikostia Sure, I can change this.
  What should we do if the metadata value is not under user control? In the 
case of a username longer than 255 bytes, the user can change that in their 
hgrc (although it's debatable whether they should; "error, your name is too 
long" is a pretty poor UX, especially as this limit isn't enforced across 
Mercurial). But it's possible that functionality exists (or could be added in 
the future) that writes values to the metadata dictionary that the user can't 
easily fix. (e.g. a contrived example: we decide it would be a great idea to 
add the old commit message as metadata when performing a metaedit. If the 
commit message is > 255 bytes the user will have no simple way of fixing that, 
since fixing it would require the functionality that is now broken.)

  rHG Mercurial


To: swhitaker, #hg-reviewers, ikostia
Cc: pulkit, ikostia, mercurial-devel
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