pulkit created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-devel.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.

  This patch removes the unrequired files from the cbor library which are docs/,
  tests/, setup.py, setup.cfg, tox.ini.
  Also, this patch fixes couple of test-check* tests by making sure they skip
  testing the third party library cbor.

  rHG Mercurial




diff --git a/tests/test-check-pyflakes.t b/tests/test-check-pyflakes.t
--- a/tests/test-check-pyflakes.t
+++ b/tests/test-check-pyflakes.t
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   $ testrepohg locate 'set:**.py or grep("^#!.*python")' \
   > -X hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman \
   > -X mercurial/pycompat.py -X contrib/python-zstandard \
+  > -X mercurial/thirdparty/cbor \
   > 2>/dev/null \
   > | xargs pyflakes 2>/dev/null | "$TESTDIR/filterpyflakes.py"
diff --git a/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t b/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t
--- a/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t
+++ b/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
   $ testrepohg files 'set:(**.py)' \
   > -X hgdemandimport/demandimportpy2.py \
+  > -X mercurial/thirdparty/cbor \
   > | sed 's|\\|/|g' | xargs $PYTHON contrib/check-py3-compat.py
   contrib/python-zstandard/setup.py not using absolute_import
   contrib/python-zstandard/setup_zstd.py not using absolute_import
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tox.ini 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tox.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-envlist = py27, py33, py34, py35, py36, pypy, pypy3, flake8
-skip_missing_interpreters = true
-commands = python -m pytest {posargs}
-extras = test
-deps = flake8
-commands = flake8 cbor2 tests
-skip_install = true
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_types.py 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from cbor2.types import CBORTag, CBORSimpleValue
-def test_tag_repr():
-    assert repr(CBORTag(600, 'blah')) == "CBORTag(600, 'blah')"
-def test_tag_equals():
-    tag1 = CBORTag(500, ['foo'])
-    tag2 = CBORTag(500, ['foo'])
-    tag3 = CBORTag(500, ['bar'])
-    assert tag1 == tag2
-    assert not tag1 == tag3
-    assert not tag1 == 500
-def test_simple_value_repr():
-    assert repr(CBORSimpleValue(1)) == "CBORSimpleValue(1)"
-def test_simple_value_equals():
-    tag1 = CBORSimpleValue(1)
-    tag2 = CBORSimpleValue(1)
-    tag3 = CBORSimpleValue(21)
-    assert tag1 == tag2
-    assert tag1 == 1
-    assert not tag1 == tag3
-    assert not tag1 == 21
-    assert not tag2 == "21"
-def test_simple_value_too_big():
-    exc = pytest.raises(TypeError, CBORSimpleValue, 256)
-    assert str(exc.value) == 'simple value too big'
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_encoder.py 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_encoder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from binascii import unhexlify
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
-from decimal import Decimal
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-from fractions import Fraction
-from uuid import UUID
-import pytest
-from cbor2.compat import timezone
-from cbor2.encoder import dumps, CBOREncodeError, dump, shareable_encoder
-from cbor2.types import CBORTag, undefined, CBORSimpleValue
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (0, '00'),
-    (1, '01'),
-    (10, '0a'),
-    (23, '17'),
-    (24, '1818'),
-    (100, '1864'),
-    (1000, '1903e8'),
-    (1000000, '1a000f4240'),
-    (1000000000000, '1b000000e8d4a51000'),
-    (18446744073709551615, '1bffffffffffffffff'),
-    (18446744073709551616, 'c249010000000000000000'),
-    (-18446744073709551616, '3bffffffffffffffff'),
-    (-18446744073709551617, 'c349010000000000000000'),
-    (-1, '20'),
-    (-10, '29'),
-    (-100, '3863'),
-    (-1000, '3903e7')
-def test_integer(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (1.1, 'fb3ff199999999999a'),
-    (1.0e+300, 'fb7e37e43c8800759c'),
-    (-4.1, 'fbc010666666666666'),
-    (float('inf'), 'f97c00'),
-    (float('nan'), 'f97e00'),
-    (float('-inf'), 'f9fc00')
-def test_float(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (b'', '40'),
-    (b'\x01\x02\x03\x04', '4401020304'),
-def test_bytestring(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-def test_bytearray():
-    expected = unhexlify('4401020304')
-    assert dumps(bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04')) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (u'', '60'),
-    (u'a', '6161'),
-    (u'IETF', '6449455446'),
-    (u'"\\', '62225c'),
-    (u'\u00fc', '62c3bc'),
-    (u'\u6c34', '63e6b0b4')
-def test_string(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (False, 'f4'),
-    (True, 'f5'),
-    (None, 'f6'),
-    (undefined, 'f7')
-], ids=['false', 'true', 'null', 'undefined'])
-def test_special(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (CBORSimpleValue(0), 'e0'),
-    (CBORSimpleValue(2), 'e2'),
-    (CBORSimpleValue(19), 'f3'),
-    (CBORSimpleValue(32), 'f820')
-def test_simple_value(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-# Tests for extension tags
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, as_timestamp, expected', [
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), False,
-     'c074323031332d30332d32315432303a30343a30305a'),
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, 380841, tzinfo=timezone.utc), False,
-     'c0781b323031332d30332d32315432303a30343a30302e3338303834315a'),
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 22, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=2))), 
-     'c07819323031332d30332d32315432323a30343a30302b30323a3030'),
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0), False, 
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), True, 
-    (datetime(2013, 3, 21, 22, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=2))), 
True, 'c11a514b67b0')
-], ids=['datetime/utc', 'datetime+micro/utc', 'datetime/eet', 'naive', 
-        'timestamp/eet'])
-def test_datetime(value, as_timestamp, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value, datetime_as_timestamp=as_timestamp, 
timezone=timezone.utc) == expected
-def test_date():
-    expected = unhexlify('c074323031332d30332d32315430303a30303a30305a')
-    assert dumps(date(2013, 3, 21), timezone=timezone.utc) == expected
-def test_naive_datetime():
-    """Test that naive datetimes are gracefully rejected when no timezone has 
been set."""
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBOREncodeError, dumps, datetime(2013, 3, 21))
-    exc.match('naive datetime encountered and no default timezone has been 
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (Decimal('14.123'), 'c4822219372b'),
-    (Decimal('NaN'), 'f97e00'),
-    (Decimal('Infinity'), 'f97c00'),
-    (Decimal('-Infinity'), 'f9fc00')
-], ids=['normal', 'nan', 'inf', 'neginf'])
-def test_decimal(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value) == expected
-def test_rational():
-    expected = unhexlify('d81e820205')
-    assert dumps(Fraction(2, 5)) == expected
-def test_regex():
-    expected = unhexlify('d8236d68656c6c6f2028776f726c6429')
-    assert dumps(re.compile(u'hello (world)')) == expected
-def test_mime():
-    expected = unhexlify(
-    message = MIMEText(u'Hello \u20acuro', 'plain', 'iso-8859-15')
-    assert dumps(message) == expected
-def test_uuid():
-    expected = unhexlify('d825505eaffac8b51e480581277fdcc7842faf')
-    assert dumps(UUID(hex='5eaffac8b51e480581277fdcc7842faf')) == expected
-def test_custom_tag():
-    expected = unhexlify('d917706548656c6c6f')
-    assert dumps(CBORTag(6000, u'Hello')) == expected
-def test_cyclic_array():
-    """Test that an array that contains itself can be serialized with value 
sharing enabled."""
-    expected = unhexlify('d81c81d81c81d81d00')
-    a = [[]]
-    a[0].append(a)
-    assert dumps(a, value_sharing=True) == expected
-def test_cyclic_array_nosharing():
-    """Test that serializing a cyclic structure w/o value sharing will blow up 
-    a = []
-    a.append(a)
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBOREncodeError, dumps, a)
-    exc.match('cyclic data structure detected but value sharing is disabled')
-def test_cyclic_map():
-    """Test that a dict that contains itself can be serialized with value 
sharing enabled."""
-    expected = unhexlify('d81ca100d81d00')
-    a = {}
-    a[0] = a
-    assert dumps(a, value_sharing=True) == expected
-def test_cyclic_map_nosharing():
-    """Test that serializing a cyclic structure w/o value sharing will fail 
-    a = {}
-    a[0] = a
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBOREncodeError, dumps, a)
-    exc.match('cyclic data structure detected but value sharing is disabled')
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value_sharing, expected', [
-    (False, '828080'),
-    (True, 'd81c82d81c80d81d01')
-], ids=['nosharing', 'sharing'])
-def test_not_cyclic_same_object(value_sharing, expected):
-    """Test that the same shareable object can be included twice if not in a 
cyclic structure."""
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    a = []
-    b = [a, a]
-    assert dumps(b, value_sharing=value_sharing) == expected
-def test_unsupported_type():
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBOREncodeError, dumps, lambda: None)
-    exc.match('cannot serialize type function')
-def test_default():
-    class DummyType(object):
-        def __init__(self, state):
-            self.state = state
-    def default_encoder(encoder, value):
-        encoder.encode(value.state)
-    expected = unhexlify('820305')
-    obj = DummyType([3, 5])
-    serialized = dumps(obj, default=default_encoder)
-    assert serialized == expected
-def test_default_cyclic():
-    class DummyType(object):
-        def __init__(self, value=None):
-            self.value = value
-    @shareable_encoder
-    def default_encoder(encoder, value):
-        state = encoder.encode_to_bytes(value.value)
-        encoder.encode(CBORTag(3000, state))
-    expected = unhexlify('D81CD90BB849D81CD90BB843D81D00')
-    obj = DummyType()
-    obj2 = DummyType(obj)
-    obj.value = obj2
-    serialized = dumps(obj, value_sharing=True, default=default_encoder)
-    assert serialized == expected
-def test_dump_to_file(tmpdir):
-    path = tmpdir.join('testdata.cbor')
-    with path.open('wb') as fp:
-        dump([1, 10], fp)
-    assert path.read_binary() == b'\x82\x01\x0a'
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (OrderedDict([(b'a', b''), (b'b', b'')]), 'A2416140416240'),
-    (OrderedDict([(b'b', b''), (b'a', b'')]), 'A2416140416240'),
-    (OrderedDict([(u'a', u''), (u'b', u'')]), 'a2616160616260'),
-    (OrderedDict([(u'b', u''), (u'a', u'')]), 'a2616160616260'),
-    (OrderedDict([(b'00001', u''), (b'002', u'')]), 
-    (OrderedDict([(255, 0), (2, 0)]), 'a2020018ff00')
-], ids=['bytes in order', 'bytes out of order', 'text in order',
-        'text out of order', 'byte length', 'integer keys'])
-def test_ordered_map(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value, canonical=True) == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [
-    (3.5, 'F94300'),
-    (100000.0, 'FA47C35000'),
-    (3.8, 'FB400E666666666666'),
-    (float('inf'), 'f97c00'),
-    (float('nan'), 'f97e00'),
-    (float('-inf'), 'f9fc00'),
-    (float.fromhex('0x1.0p-24'), 'f90001'),
-    (float.fromhex('0x1.4p-24'), 'fa33a00000'),
-    (float.fromhex('0x1.ff8p-63'), 'fa207fc000')
-], ids=['float 16', 'float 32', 'float 64', 'inf', 'nan', '-inf',
-        'float 16 minimum positive subnormal', 'mantissa o/f to 32',
-        'exponent o/f to 32'])
-def test_minimal_floats(value, expected):
-    expected = unhexlify(expected)
-    assert dumps(value, canonical=True) == expected
-def test_tuple_key():
-    assert dumps({(2, 1): u''}) == unhexlify('a182020160')
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frozen', [False, True], ids=['set', 'frozenset'])
-def test_set(frozen):
-    value = {u'a', u'b', u'c'}
-    if frozen:
-        value = frozenset(value)
-    serialized = dumps(value)
-    assert len(serialized) == 10
-    assert serialized.startswith(unhexlify('d9010283'))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frozen', [False, True], ids=['set', 'frozenset'])
-def test_canonical_set(frozen):
-    value = {u'y', u'x', u'aa', u'a'}
-    if frozen:
-        value = frozenset(value)
-    serialized = dumps(value, canonical=True)
-    assert serialized == unhexlify('d9010284616161786179626161')
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_decoder.py 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/tests/test_decoder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-import math
-import re
-import sys
-from binascii import unhexlify
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from decimal import Decimal
-from email.message import Message
-from fractions import Fraction
-from io import BytesIO
-from uuid import UUID
-import pytest
-from cbor2.compat import timezone
-from cbor2.decoder import loads, CBORDecodeError, load, CBORDecoder
-from cbor2.types import CBORTag, undefined, CBORSimpleValue
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('00', 0),
-    ('01', 1),
-    ('0a', 10),
-    ('17', 23),
-    ('1818', 24),
-    ('1819', 25),
-    ('1864', 100),
-    ('1903e8', 1000),
-    ('1a000f4240', 1000000),
-    ('1b000000e8d4a51000', 1000000000000),
-    ('1bffffffffffffffff', 18446744073709551615),
-    ('c249010000000000000000', 18446744073709551616),
-    ('3bffffffffffffffff', -18446744073709551616),
-    ('c349010000000000000000', -18446744073709551617),
-    ('20', -1),
-    ('29', -10),
-    ('3863', -100),
-    ('3903e7', -1000)
-def test_integer(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-def test_invalid_integer_subtype():
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, loads, b'\x1c')
-    assert str(exc.value).endswith('unknown unsigned integer subtype 0x1c')
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('f90000', 0.0),
-    ('f98000', -0.0),
-    ('f93c00', 1.0),
-    ('fb3ff199999999999a', 1.1),
-    ('f93e00', 1.5),
-    ('f97bff', 65504.0),
-    ('fa47c35000', 100000.0),
-    ('fa7f7fffff', 3.4028234663852886e+38),
-    ('fb7e37e43c8800759c', 1.0e+300),
-    ('f90001', 5.960464477539063e-8),
-    ('f90400', 0.00006103515625),
-    ('f9c400', -4.0),
-    ('fbc010666666666666', -4.1),
-    ('f97c00', float('inf')),
-    ('f9fc00', float('-inf')),
-    ('fa7f800000', float('inf')),
-    ('faff800000', float('-inf')),
-    ('fb7ff0000000000000', float('inf')),
-    ('fbfff0000000000000', float('-inf'))
-def test_float(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload', ['f97e00', 'fa7fc00000', 
-def test_float_nan(payload):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert math.isnan(decoded)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('f4', False),
-    ('f5', True),
-    ('f6', None),
-    ('f7', undefined)
-def test_special(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded is expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('40', b''),
-    ('4401020304', b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'),
-def test_binary(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('60', u''),
-    ('6161', u'a'),
-    ('6449455446', u'IETF'),
-    ('62225c', u'\"\\'),
-    ('62c3bc', u'\u00fc'),
-    ('63e6b0b4', u'\u6c34')
-def test_string(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('80', []),
-    ('83010203', [1, 2, 3]),
-    ('8301820203820405', [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]),
-    ('98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819', 
list(range(1, 26)))
-def test_array(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('a0', {}),
-    ('a201020304', {1: 2, 3: 4})
-def test_map(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('a26161016162820203', {'a': 1, 'b': [2, 3]}),
-    ('826161a161626163', ['a', {'b': 'c'}]),
-    ('a56161614161626142616361436164614461656145',
-     {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C', 'd': 'D', 'e': 'E'})
-def test_mixed_array_map(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('5f42010243030405ff', b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05'),
-    ('7f657374726561646d696e67ff', 'streaming'),
-    ('9fff', []),
-    ('9f018202039f0405ffff', [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]),
-    ('9f01820203820405ff', [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]),
-    ('83018202039f0405ff', [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]),
-    ('83019f0203ff820405', [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]),
-    ('9f0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819ff', 
list(range(1, 26))),
-    ('bf61610161629f0203ffff', {'a': 1, 'b': [2, 3]}),
-    ('826161bf61626163ff', ['a', {'b': 'c'}]),
-    ('bf6346756ef563416d7421ff', {'Fun': True, 'Amt': -2}),
-def test_streaming(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('e0', 0),
-    ('e2', 2),
-    ('f3', 19),
-    ('f820', 32),
-    ('e0', CBORSimpleValue(0)),
-    ('e2', CBORSimpleValue(2)),
-    ('f3', CBORSimpleValue(19)),
-    ('f820', CBORSimpleValue(32))
-def test_simple_value(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-# Tests for extension tags
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('payload, expected', [
-    ('c074323031332d30332d32315432303a30343a30305a',
-     datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)),
-    ('c0781b323031332d30332d32315432303a30343a30302e3338303834315a',
-     datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, 380841, tzinfo=timezone.utc)),
-    ('c07819323031332d30332d32315432323a30343a30302b30323a3030',
-     datetime(2013, 3, 21, 22, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=2)))),
-    ('c11a514b67b0', datetime(2013, 3, 21, 20, 4, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)),
-    ('c11a514b67b0', datetime(2013, 3, 21, 22, 4, 0, 
-], ids=['datetime/utc', 'datetime+micro/utc', 'datetime/eet', 'timestamp/utc', 
-def test_datetime(payload, expected):
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(payload))
-    assert decoded == expected
-def test_bad_datetime():
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, loads, 
-    assert str(exc.value).endswith('invalid datetime string: 0000-123-01')
-def test_fraction():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('c48221196ab3'))
-    assert decoded == Decimal('273.15')
-def test_bigfloat():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('c5822003'))
-    assert decoded == Decimal('1.5')
-def test_rational():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d81e820205'))
-    assert decoded == Fraction(2, 5)
-def test_regex():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d8236d68656c6c6f2028776f726c6429'))
-    expr = re.compile(u'hello (world)')
-    assert decoded == expr
-def test_mime():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify(
-    assert isinstance(decoded, Message)
-    assert decoded.get_payload() == 'Hello =A4uro'
-def test_uuid():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d825505eaffac8b51e480581277fdcc7842faf'))
-    assert decoded == UUID(hex='5eaffac8b51e480581277fdcc7842faf')
-def test_bad_shared_reference():
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, loads, unhexlify('d81d05'))
-    assert str(exc.value).endswith('shared reference 5 not found')
-def test_uninitialized_shared_reference():
-    fp = BytesIO(unhexlify('d81d00'))
-    decoder = CBORDecoder(fp)
-    decoder._shareables.append(None)
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, decoder.decode)
-    assert str(exc.value).endswith('shared value 0 has not been initialized')
-def test_cyclic_array():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d81c81d81d00'))
-    assert decoded == [decoded]
-def test_cyclic_map():
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d81ca100d81d00'))
-    assert decoded == {0: decoded}
-def test_unhandled_tag():
-    """
-    Test that a tag is simply ignored and its associated value returned if 
there is no special
-    handling available for it.
-    """
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d917706548656c6c6f'))
-    assert decoded == CBORTag(6000, u'Hello')
-def test_premature_end_of_stream():
-    """
-    Test that the decoder detects a situation where read() returned fewer than 
expected bytes.
-    """
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, loads, unhexlify('437879'))
-    exc.match('premature end of stream \(expected to read 3 bytes, got 2 
-def test_tag_hook():
-    def reverse(decoder, tag, fp, shareable_index=None):
-        return tag.value[::-1]
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('d917706548656c6c6f'), tag_hook=reverse)
-    assert decoded == u'olleH'
-def test_tag_hook_cyclic():
-    class DummyType(object):
-        def __init__(self, value):
-            self.value = value
-    def unmarshal_dummy(decoder, tag, shareable_index=None):
-        instance = DummyType.__new__(DummyType)
-        decoder.set_shareable(shareable_index, instance)
-        instance.value = decoder.decode_from_bytes(tag.value)
-        return instance
-    decoded = loads(unhexlify('D81CD90BB849D81CD90BB843D81D00'), 
-    assert isinstance(decoded, DummyType)
-    assert decoded.value.value is decoded
-def test_object_hook():
-    class DummyType(object):
-        def __init__(self, state):
-            self.state = state
-    payload = unhexlify('A2616103616205')
-    decoded = loads(payload, object_hook=lambda decoder, value: 
-    assert isinstance(decoded, DummyType)
-    assert decoded.state == {'a': 3, 'b': 5}
-def test_error_major_type():
-    exc = pytest.raises(CBORDecodeError, loads, b'')
-    assert str(exc.value).startswith('error reading major type at index 0: ')
-def test_load_from_file(tmpdir):
-    path = tmpdir.join('testdata.cbor')
-    path.write_binary(b'\x82\x01\x0a')
-    with path.open('rb') as fp:
-        obj = load(fp)
-    assert obj == [1, 10]
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 0), reason="No exception with 
python 2.7")
-def test_nested_exception():
-    exc = pytest.raises((CBORDecodeError, TypeError), loads, 
-    exc.match(r"error decoding value at index 8: "
-              r"(unhashable type: 'CBORTag'|'CBORTag' objects are unhashable)")
-def test_set():
-    payload = unhexlify('d9010283616361626161')
-    value = loads(payload)
-    assert type(value) is set
-    assert value == set([u'a', u'b', u'c'])
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.py 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup
-    use_scm_version={
-        'version_scheme': 'post-release',
-        'local_scheme': 'dirty-tag'
-    },
-    setup_requires=[
-        'setuptools >= 36.2.7',
-        'setuptools_scm >= 1.7.0'
-    ]
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.cfg 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/setup.cfg
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-name = cbor2
-description = Pure Python CBOR (de)serializer with extensive tag support
-long_description = file: README.rst
-author = Alex Grönholm
-author_email = alex.gronh...@nextday.fi
-url = https://github.com/agronholm/cbor2
-license = MIT
-license_file = LICENSE.txt
-keywords = serialization cbor
-classifiers =
-    Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-    Intended Audience :: Developers
-    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
-    Programming Language :: Python
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
-packages = find:
-test =
-    pytest
-    pytest-cov
-addopts = -rsx --cov --tb=short
-testpaths = tests
-source = cbor2
-show_missing = true
-max-line-length = 99
-exclude = .tox,build,docs
-universal = 1
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/versionhistory.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/versionhistory.rst
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Version history
-This library adheres to `Semantic Versioning <http://semver.org/>`_.
-- Added canonical encoding (via ``canonical=True``) (PR by Sekenre)
-- Added support for encoding/decoding sets (semantic tag 258) (PR by Sekenre)
-**4.0.1** (2017-08-21)
-- Fixed silent truncation of decoded data if there are not enough bytes in the 
stream for an exact
-  read (``CBORDecodeError`` is now raised instead)
-**4.0.0** (2017-04-24)
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Value sharing has been disabled by default, for 
better compatibility
-  with other implementations and better performance (since it is rarely needed)
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Replaced the ``semantic_decoders`` decoder option 
with the ``tag_hook``
-  option
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Replaced the ``encoders`` encoder option with the 
``default`` option
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Factored out the file object argument (``fp``) 
from all callbacks
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** The encoder no longer supports every imaginable 
type implementing the
-  ``Sequence`` or ``Map`` interface, as they turned out to be too broad
-- Added the ``object_hook`` option for decoding dicts into complex objects
-  (intended for situations where JSON compatibility is required and semantic 
tags cannot be used)
-- Added encoding and decoding of simple values (``CBORSimpleValue``)
-  (contributed by Jerry Lundström)
-- Replaced the decoder for bignums with a simpler and faster version 
(contributed by orent)
-- Made all relevant classes and functions available directly in the ``cbor2`` 
-- Added proper documentation
-**3.0.4** (2016-09-24)
-- Fixed TypeError when trying to encode extension types (regression introduced 
in 3.0.3)
-**3.0.3** (2016-09-23)
-- No changes, just re-releasing due to git tagging screw-up
-**3.0.2** (2016-09-23)
-- Fixed decoding failure for datetimes with microseconds (tag 0)
-**3.0.1** (2016-08-08)
-- Fixed error in the cyclic structure detection code that could mistake one 
container for
-  another, sometimes causing a bogus error about cyclic data structures where 
there was none
-**3.0.0** (2016-07-03)
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Encoder callbacks now receive three arguments: the 
encoder instance,
-  the value to encode and a file-like object. The callback must must now 
either write directly to
-  the file-like object or call another encoder callback instead of returning 
an iterable.
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Semantic decoder callbacks now receive four 
arguments: the decoder
-  instance, the primitive value, a file-like object and the shareable index 
for the decoded value.
-  Decoders that support value sharing must now set the raw value at the given 
index in
-  ``decoder.shareables``.
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Removed support for iterative encoding 
(``CBOREncoder.encode()`` is no
-  longer a generator function and always returns ``None``)
-- Significantly improved performance (encoder ~30 % faster, decoder ~60 % 
-- Fixed serialization round-trip for ``undefined`` (simple type #23)
-- Added proper support for value sharing in callbacks
-**2.0.0** (2016-06-11)
-- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Deserialize unknown tags as ``CBORTag`` objects so 
as not to lose
-  information
-- Fixed error messages coming from nested structures
-**1.1.0** (2016-06-10)
-- Fixed deserialization of cyclic structures
-**1.0.0** (2016-06-08)
-- Initial release
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/usage.rst 
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-Basic usage
-Serializing and deserializing with cbor2 is pretty straightforward::
-    from cbor2 import dumps, loads
-    # Serialize an object as a bytestring
-    data = dumps(['hello', 'world'])
-    # Deserialize a bytestring
-    obj = loads(data)
-    # Efficiently deserialize from a file
-    with open('input.cbor', 'rb') as fp:
-        obj = load(fp)
-    # Efficiently serialize an object to a file
-    with open('output.cbor', 'wb') as fp:
-        dump(obj, fp)
-Some data types, however, require extra considerations, as detailed below.
-String/bytes handling on Python 2
-The ``str`` type is encoded as binary on Python 2. If you want to encode 
strings as text on
-Python 2, use unicode strings instead.
-Date/time handling
-The CBOR specification does not support naïve datetimes (that is, datetimes 
where ``tzinfo`` is
-missing). When the encoder encounters such a datetime, it needs to know which 
timezone it belongs
-to. To this end, you can specify a default timezone by passing a 
:class:`~datetime.tzinfo` instance
-to :func:`~cbor2.encoder.dump`/:func:`~cbor2.encoder.dumps` call as the 
``timezone`` argument.
-Decoded datetimes are always timezone aware.
-By default, datetimes are serialized in a manner that retains their timezone 
offsets. You can
-optimize the data stream size by passing ``datetime_as_timestamp=False`` to
-:func:`~cbor2.encoder.dump`/:func:`~cbor2.encoder.dumps`, but this causes the 
timezone offset
-information to be lost.
-Cyclic (recursive) data structures
-If the encoder encounters a shareable object (ie. list or dict) that it has 
been before, it will
-by default raise :exc:`~cbor2.encoder.CBOREncodeError` indicating that a 
cyclic reference has been
-detected and value sharing was not enabled. CBOR has, however, an extension 
specification that
-allows the encoder to reference a previously encoded value without processing 
it again. This makes
-it possible to serialize such cyclic references, but value sharing has to be 
enabled by passing
-``value_sharing=True`` to 
-.. warning:: Support for value sharing is rare in other CBOR implementations, 
so think carefully
-    whether you want to enable it. It also causes some line overhead, as all 
potentially shareable
-    values must be tagged as such.
-Tag support
-In addition to all standard CBOR tags, this library supports many extended 
-=== ======================================== 
-Tag Semantics                                Python type(s)
-=== ======================================== 
-0   Standard date/time string                datetime.date / datetime.datetime
-1   Epoch-based date/time                    datetime.date / datetime.datetime
-2   Positive bignum                          int / long
-3   Negative bignum                          int / long
-4   Decimal fraction                         decimal.Decimal
-5   Bigfloat                                 decimal.Decimal
-28  Mark shared value                        N/A
-29  Reference shared value                   N/A
-30  Rational number                          fractions.Fraction
-35  Regular expression                       ``_sre.SRE_Pattern`` (result of 
-36  MIME message                             email.message.Message
-37  Binary UUID                              uuid.UUID
-258 Set of unique items                      set
-=== ======================================== 
-Arbitary tags can be represented with the :class:`~cbor2.types.CBORTag` class.
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/types.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/types.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-.. automodule:: cbor2.types
-    :members:
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/encoder.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/encoder.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-.. automodule:: cbor2.encoder
-    :members:
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/decoder.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/modules/decoder.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-.. automodule:: cbor2.decoder
-    :members:
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/index.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: ../README.rst
-   :start-line: 7
-   :end-before: Project links
-Table of contents
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
-   usage
-   customizing
-   versionhistory
-* :ref:`API reference <modindex>`
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/customizing.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/customizing.rst
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@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Customizing encoding and decoding
-Both the encoder and decoder can be customized to support a wider range of 
-On the encoder side, this is accomplished by passing a callback as the 
``default`` constructor
-argument. This callback will receive an object that the encoder could not 
serialize on its own.
-The callback should then return a value that the encoder can serialize on its 
own, although the
-return value is allowed to contain objects that also require the encoder to 
use the callback, as
-long as it won't result in an infinite loop.
-On the decoder side, you have two options: ``tag_hook`` and ``object_hook``. 
The former is called
-by the decoder to process any semantic tags that have no predefined decoders. 
The latter is called
-for any newly decoded ``dict`` objects, and is mostly useful for implementing 
a JSON compatible
-custom type serialization scheme. Unless your requirements restrict you to 
JSON compatible types
-only, it is recommended to use ``tag_hook`` for this purpose.
-JSON compatibility
-In certain applications, it may be desirable to limit the supported types to 
the same ones
-serializable as JSON: (unicode) string, integer, float, boolean, null, array 
and object (dict).
-This can be done by passing the ``json_compatible`` option to the encoder. 
When incompatible types
-are encountered, a :class:`~cbor2.encoder.CBOREncodeError` is then raised.
-For the decoder, there is no support for detecting incoming incompatible types 
-Using the CBOR tags for custom types
-The most common way to use ``default`` is to call 
-to add a custom tag in the data stream, with the payload as the value::
-    class Point(object):
-        def __init__(self, x, y):
-            self.x = x
-            self.y = y
-    def default_encoder(encoder, value):
-        # Tag number 4000 was chosen arbitrarily
-        encoder.encode(CBORTag(4000, [value.x, value.y]))
-The corresponding ``tag_hook`` would be::
-    def tag_hook(decoder, tag, shareable_index=None):
-        if tag.tag != 4000:
-            return tag
-        # tag.value is now the [x, y] list we serialized before
-        return Point(*tag.value)
-Using dicts to carry custom types
-The same could be done with ``object_hook``, except less efficiently::
-    def default_encoder(encoder, value):
-        encoder.encode(dict(typename='Point', x=value.x, y=value.y))
-    def object_hook(decoder, value):
-        if value.get('typename') != 'Point':
-            return value
-        return Point(value['x'], value['y'])
-You should make sure that whatever way you decide to use for telling apart 
your "specially marked"
-dicts from arbitrary data dicts won't mistake on for the other.
-Value sharing with custom types
-In order to properly encode and decode cyclic references with custom types, 
some special care has
-to be taken. Suppose you have a custom type as below, where every child object 
contains a reference
-to its parent and the parent contains a list of children::
-    from cbor2 import dumps, loads, shareable_encoder, CBORTag
-    class MyType(object):
-        def __init__(self, parent=None):
-            self.parent = parent
-            self.children = []
-            if parent:
-                self.parent.children.append(self)
-This would not normally be serializable, as it would lead to an endless loop 
(in the worst case)
-and raise some exception (in the best case). Now, enter CBOR's extension tags 
28 and 29. These tags
-make it possible to add special markers into the data stream which can be 
later referenced and
-substituted with the object marked earlier.
-To do this, in ``default`` hooks used with the encoder you will need to use the
-:meth:`~cbor2.encoder.shareable_encoder` decorator on your ``default`` hook 
function. It will
-automatically automatically add the object to the shared values registry on 
the encoder and prevent
-it from being serialized twice (instead writing a reference to the data 
-    @shareable_encoder
-    def default_encoder(encoder, value):
-        # The state has to be serialized separately so that the decoder would 
have a chance to
-        # create an empty instance before the shared value references are 
-        serialized_state = encoder.encode_to_bytes(value.__dict__)
-        encoder.encode(CBORTag(3000, serialized_state))
-On the decoder side, you will need to initialize an empty instance for shared 
value lookup before
-the object's state (which may contain references to it) is decoded.
-This is done with the :meth:`~cbor2.encoder.CBORDecoder.set_shareable` method::
-    def tag_hook(decoder, tag, shareable_index=None):
-        # Return all other tags as-is
-        if tag.tag != 3000:
-            return tag
-        # Create a raw instance before initializing its state to make it 
possible for cyclic
-        # references to work
-        instance = MyType.__new__(MyType)
-        decoder.set_shareable(shareable_index, instance)
-        # Separately decode the state of the new object and then apply it
-        state = decoder.decode_from_bytes(tag.value)
-        instance.__dict__.update(state)
-        return instance
-You could then verify that the cyclic references have been restored after 
-    parent = MyType()
-    child1 = MyType(parent)
-    child2 = MyType(parent)
-    serialized = dumps(parent, default=default_encoder, value_sharing=True)
-    new_parent = loads(serialized, tag_hook=tag_hook)
-    assert new_parent.children[0].parent is new_parent
-    assert new_parent.children[1].parent is new_parent
diff --git a/mercurial/thirdparty/cbor/docs/conf.py 
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
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-    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
-    'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-master_doc = 'index'
-project = 'cbor2'
-author = u'Alex Grönholm'
-copyright = u'2016, ' + author
-v = pkg_resources.get_distribution(project).parsed_version
-version = v.base_version
-release = v.public
-language = None
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-todo_include_todos = False
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-htmlhelp_basename = project.replace('-', '') + 'doc'
-intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('http://docs.python.org/', None)}

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