On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Boris FELD <lothiral...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have also been in contact with Mercurial contributors, small
> contributors and users from Europe. From what we heard, it's both a
> question of time involvements and energy cost that is a rebuttal to them.
> It's not the same time and energy cost to make a 6 hours roundtrip travel
> to the neighboring country versus doing a 24 hours round trip and 8 hours
> jetlag travel to Japan.
> I think the sprint is a great way for small contributors to be motivated
> to keep being involved and sometimes become core contributors. It is also a
> great opportunity for wild users to discuss their workflows, ask their
> questions and give us their feedback. I've met many of these European users
> and small contributor and would be sad to skip an opportunity to keep in
> touch with them.

These same reasonings can be *for* having a sprint in Asia as well. :)  We
have two regular contributors who regularly attend sprints that are in
Japan already, and at least one more on the IRC channel that expressed
interest in attending a Japan sprint because they're in Japan; they've
never attended a Mercurial sprint before.

> For community members who aren't accustomed to international traveling, it
> would be even harder for them to travel to a country with a different
> money, a different language with more challenge to interact in a common
> language and a different culture. This seems one of the core reason why
> having sprints on different continents.
> I think start connecting with the Japan contributors and users is a great
> opportunity, I would just hope it would not be at the expense of the
> European community which has been waiting for this sprint for a year. My
> preference is to keep the next sprint in Europe and introduce a Japan
> sprint with more concertation.

"which has been waiting for this sprint for a year" implies some guarantee
that we're going to have it in Europe every year - if I understand smf's
proposal, we would continue the twice-yearly sprint frequency, but have
three locations, so we'd see:

-------- Previously:
Fall 2016: Paris, France
Spring 2017: Mountain View, CA, USA
Fall 2017: Dublin, Ireland
Spring 2018: Cambridge, MA, USA
-------- smf proposal:
Fall 2018: Europe
Spring 2019: Asia
Fall 2019: North America
Spring 2020: Europe
Fall 2020: Asia
Spring 2021: North America

vs. My proposal:
Fall 2018: Japan
Spring 2019: Europe
Fall 2019: North America
Spring 2020: Asia
Fall 2020: Europe
Spring 2021: North America

The only question I'm seeing about this is whether the upcoming schedule
is, starting in Fall 2018, "Europe, Asia, North America" cycling, or "Asia,
Europe, North America" cycling.  i.e. which location (Europe or North
America) takes the first 1.5 year hit, after which all will (assuming we
keep the Asia sprints).

The arguments, as I understood them, for it being NOT Europe taking this
initial hit was that the Spring 2018 sprint was that there were issues that
prevented some people who would otherwise have attended it in from doing so
such as travel restrictions (can't attend ones in USA, but could presumably
attend *anywhere else* - Canada included, not just Europe), but the
*primary* reason they couldn't attend was that it was scheduled with
relatively short notice.  These people were thinking "Oh, it's short notice
to make such a journey, I'll regretfully skip it, and attend the next one,
which *as a bonus* will be closer".  This is specifically *not*, as far as
I understand, "It's short notice to make such a journey, I'll regretfully
skip it, and attend the next one *only because it's closer*", which is a
slightly different thought - the "only because it's closer" part negates
the "short notice" qualification :)

I'm definitely sympathetic to the travel time concerns; half of the reason
I'm pushing for Japan for the fall sprint is because my GF has decided
we're going to Japan in the fall this year, and I don't want to do Europe
*and* Japan in a two month timespan :)  I'm also sympathetic to the "I
regularly attend, but couldn't attend the Spring 2018 due to the short
notice", which is why when smf brought this up I said we should definitely
discuss it.

However, assuming we do establish a three-region rotation, I'm not sure I
understand "I'd like to attend, but can only do so if it's near me" being a
reason to *delay* establishing the three-region rotation - there's little
difference for those that can attend only when the travel time is shorter
(and please don't misunderstand: this is *totally* a valid reason) if we
start the rotation in Asia vs. Europe, unless I'm missing something?

To summarize, I'm not sure I have an answer to this question: Why,
specifically, is having the *Fall 2018* sprint (and the Spring 2020 sprint,
etc.) in Europe important, vs. having it in Europe in Spring 2019, Fall
2020, etc.?  I have to assume it's due to some issue with travel to the
previous sprint that is *atypical*, and I'm not sure I understand at the
moment what those issues are.

On 06/06/2018 16:33, Kevin Bullock wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2018, at 23:02, Sean Farley <s...@farley.io> <s...@farley.io> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I want to bring up a discussion about the next location for the sprint.
> In my recent travels, I talked with ~10 people who expressed some
> reservations about being able to make the next sprint if it is held in
> Japan.
> Without going into personal details, can you summarize what people's 
> reservations are? Travel time? Cost? Ability to get a visa? I'm wondering if 
> there are issues we could work around (e.g. drum up more travel funding).
> pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / ‎‫سَلاَم‬ / 平和
> Kevin R. Bullock
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