spectral planned changes to this revision.
spectral added a comment.

  In https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D4366#67144, @indygreg wrote:
  > I'm not sure how I feel about so many methods having the `if dir in 
self._lazydirs: self._loadlazy(dir)` pattern.
  > On one hand, action at a distance when it involves caching can be 
dangerous. And doing the lookup inline will avoid a Python function call.
  > On the other, it seems very redundant.
  > Overall I'm OK with the patch. I just feel like using a 
`collections.defaultdict` or implementing `__missing__` to automagically 
resolve missing keys might work out better. Do you think this is a reasonable 
  I think it's a reasonable request, but I'm not sure it's feasible with how 
collections.defaultdict/__missing__ work.  They are *only* called by 
__getitem__.  We'd need a separate dict subclass for _dirs that handles 
__contains__ as well, at the very least, for all the cases of `if dir not in 
self._dirs:  return <something>`
  I'm playing around with such a thing, it's not difficult but I think might be 
more awkward than helpful.  Even if that doesn't bear fruit, while implementing 
it I noticed something: I'm not actually populating self._lazydirs in this 
patch, I appear to have lost it during split/merge/whatever. Oops.  I have to 
hope that the numbers I have in the commit description were before I lost this, 
since otherwise it's completely incomprehensible that this patch would cause a 
performance benefit (well, maybe not, if dead code can cause a performance 
loss, why not the other way around?)

  rHG Mercurial


To: spectral, #hg-reviewers
Cc: indygreg, mercurial-devel
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