I've queued the first 5 patches, thanks. Please send a follow up to fix nits
and minor issues.

> +py_module_initializer!(rustext, initrustext, PyInit_rustext, |py, m| {
> +    m.add(
> +        py,
> +        "__doc__",
> +        "Mercurial core concepts - Rust implementation",
> +    )?;
> +
> +    let dotted_name: String = m.get(py, "__name__")?.extract(py)?;
> +    m.add(py, "__package__", "mercurial")?;

IIUC, __package__ should be set by the importer, not by the module. And if
set, I think it should be "mercurial.rustext" since this is a package module.


> +impl GraphError {
> +    pub fn pynew(py: Python, inner: hg::GraphError) -> PyErr {
> +        match inner {
> +            hg::GraphError::ParentOutOfRange(r) => {
> +                GraphError::new(py, ("ParentOutOfRange", r))
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +}

Maybe this can be a trait impl or helper function that maps `hg::GraphError`
to `PyErr::new::<exc::ValueType, _>()` ?

> +    let sys = PyModule::import(py, "sys")?;
> +    let sys_modules: PyDict = sys.get(py, "modules")?.extract(py)?;
> +    sys_modules.set_item(py, dotted_name, &m)?;

We'll probably want to move this to the caller to avoid dups. The init
function can have the same signature as the lambda of

> +[lib]
> +name='rusthg'

Perhaps this is an old name.
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