marmoute added a comment.

  In D7894#116540 <>, @martinvonz 
  > In D7894#116407 <>, @marmoute 
  >> In D7894#116397 <>, @martinvonz 
  >>> How much does this patch help performance?
  >>> I would also like to see performance numbers (even just rough ones) for 
the Rust version. Sorry about a possibly stupid question, but why will this 
on-disk nodemap be faster than building it from the index? Is it that the file 
is smaller and thus faster to read? Or is it more the building of the tree than 
the reading that's slow? You mentioned you use some private repo for testing 
this. How large is the `00changelog.n` file in that repo and how large is 
  >> This save hundreds of milli second at initialization of large 
repositories. The repositories we are looking at are about 2 millions 
revisions. (but this will help smaller repository too). Mozilla try is a public 
repository in that range. It 00changelog.i is 103MB
  > And 00changelog.n?
    106973952 bytes for changelog.i
     83123200 bytes for the nodemap rawfiles
  >> The information in the .i files is just a flat list of node. So anything 
that need a mapping needs to build it. Building a mapping for millions of 
revision is slow. (I think Georges mentionned 300ms to build the mozilla-try 
nodemap). The nodemap we write on disk is directly usage as such. So we just 
need to mmap the files (mostly instant is the repository have been busy 
recently, eg: on server) and directly query the data from disk.
  > Ah, that's what I was wondering. I was wondering while reviewing this 
series if your plan was to lazily from disk but I didn't see any mention of 
that. I guess this mmap business should have been that a hint :)
  Yes, so everythign we are doing is not so really "serialization" since we 
never actualy "deserialize" it in practice.

  rHG Mercurial



To: marmoute, #hg-reviewers
Cc: gracinet, martinvonz, mercurial-devel
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