marmoute created this revision.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-patches.

  This is not great yet, but still better than the previous state. This get use
  one step closer to having all the possible "actions" clearly declared and 
  in a dedicated module.

  rHG Mercurial





diff --git a/mercurial/ b/mercurial/
--- a/mercurial/
+++ b/mercurial/
@@ -541,96 +541,102 @@
     b'redeltafulladd': b're-delta-fulladd',
+def register_optimization(obj):
+    ALL_OPTIMISATIONS.append(obj)
+    return obj
+    improvement(
+        name=b're-delta-parent',
+        type=OPTIMISATION,
+        description=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to '
+            b'choose an optimal base revision where this was not '
+            b'already done; the size of the repository may shrink and '
+            b'various operations may become faster; the first time '
+            b'this optimization is performed could slow down upgrade '
+            b'execution considerably; subsequent invocations should '
+            b'not run noticeably slower'
+        ),
+        upgrademessage=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will choose a new '
+            b'base revision if needed'
+        ),
+    )
+    improvement(
+        name=b're-delta-multibase',
+        type=OPTIMISATION,
+        description=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will be recalculated '
+            b'against multiple base revision and the smallest '
+            b'difference will be used; the size of the repository may '
+            b'shrink significantly when there are many merges; this '
+            b'optimization will slow down execution in proportion to '
+            b'the number of merges in the repository and the amount '
+            b'of files in the repository; this slow down should not '
+            b'be significant unless there are tens of thousands of '
+            b'files and thousands of merges'
+        ),
+        upgrademessage=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will choose an '
+            b'optimal delta by computing deltas against multiple '
+            b'parents; may slow down execution time '
+            b'significantly'
+        ),
+    )
+    improvement(
+        name=b're-delta-all',
+        type=OPTIMISATION,
+        description=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will always be '
+            b'recalculated without reusing prior deltas; this will '
+            b'likely make execution run several times slower; this '
+            b'optimization is typically not needed'
+        ),
+        upgrademessage=_(
+            b'deltas within internal storage will be fully '
+            b'recomputed; this will likely drastically slow down '
+            b'execution time'
+        ),
+    )
+    improvement(
+        name=b're-delta-fulladd',
+        type=OPTIMISATION,
+        description=_(
+            b'every revision will be re-added as if it was new '
+            b'content. It will go through the full storage '
+            b'mechanism giving extensions a chance to process it '
+            b'(eg. lfs). This is similar to "re-delta-all" but even '
+            b'slower since more logic is involved.'
+        ),
+        upgrademessage=_(
+            b'each revision will be added as new content to the '
+            b'internal storage; this will likely drastically slow '
+            b'down execution time, but some extensions might need '
+            b'it'
+        ),
+    )
 def findoptimizations(repo):
     """Determine optimisation that could be used during upgrade"""
     # These are unconditionally added. There is logic later that figures out
     # which ones to apply.
-    optimizations = []
-    optimizations.append(
-        improvement(
-            name=b're-delta-parent',
-            type=OPTIMISATION,
-            description=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will be recalculated to '
-                b'choose an optimal base revision where this was not '
-                b'already done; the size of the repository may shrink and '
-                b'various operations may become faster; the first time '
-                b'this optimization is performed could slow down upgrade '
-                b'execution considerably; subsequent invocations should '
-                b'not run noticeably slower'
-            ),
-            upgrademessage=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will choose a new '
-                b'base revision if needed'
-            ),
-        )
-    )
-    optimizations.append(
-        improvement(
-            name=b're-delta-multibase',
-            type=OPTIMISATION,
-            description=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will be recalculated '
-                b'against multiple base revision and the smallest '
-                b'difference will be used; the size of the repository may '
-                b'shrink significantly when there are many merges; this '
-                b'optimization will slow down execution in proportion to '
-                b'the number of merges in the repository and the amount '
-                b'of files in the repository; this slow down should not '
-                b'be significant unless there are tens of thousands of '
-                b'files and thousands of merges'
-            ),
-            upgrademessage=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will choose an '
-                b'optimal delta by computing deltas against multiple '
-                b'parents; may slow down execution time '
-                b'significantly'
-            ),
-        )
-    )
-    optimizations.append(
-        improvement(
-            name=b're-delta-all',
-            type=OPTIMISATION,
-            description=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will always be '
-                b'recalculated without reusing prior deltas; this will '
-                b'likely make execution run several times slower; this '
-                b'optimization is typically not needed'
-            ),
-            upgrademessage=_(
-                b'deltas within internal storage will be fully '
-                b'recomputed; this will likely drastically slow down '
-                b'execution time'
-            ),
-        )
-    )
-    optimizations.append(
-        improvement(
-            name=b're-delta-fulladd',
-            type=OPTIMISATION,
-            description=_(
-                b'every revision will be re-added as if it was new '
-                b'content. It will go through the full storage '
-                b'mechanism giving extensions a chance to process it '
-                b'(eg. lfs). This is similar to "re-delta-all" but even '
-                b'slower since more logic is involved.'
-            ),
-            upgrademessage=_(
-                b'each revision will be added as new content to the '
-                b'internal storage; this will likely drastically slow '
-                b'down execution time, but some extensions might need '
-                b'it'
-            ),
-        )
-    )
-    return optimizations
+    return list(ALL_OPTIMISATIONS)
 def determineactions(repo, deficiencies, sourcereqs, destreqs):

To: marmoute, #hg-reviewers
Cc: mercurial-patches, mercurial-devel
Mercurial-devel mailing list

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