Hi all,

We've seen some people think that foss.heptapod.net/octobus/mercurial-devel is an Octobus-only repository and serves some sort of company purpose. The URL includes "octobus" purely because we historically didn't want to send the wrong message that this repository was official in any form by using "mercurial" directly.

Nowadays the vast majority of the CI for the project runs on Heptapod and people outside of Octobus have been using this repository for a while. We want to encourage external developers to contribute to Mercurial in the way they find easier, and Heptapod is a good way of running patches against the CI, getting feedback before submission.

This is of course *not* a proposal to make this repo the canonical one, but simply to ask if people had any objections to renaming (and keeping the redirect, of course) foss.heptapod.net/octobus/mercurial-devel to foss.heptapod.net/mercurial/mercurial-devel.

Depending on how fast people answer and if we agree or not it might not be my doing, since I'll be off for two weeks starting Saturday.


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