On 4/18/23 22:10, Uwe Brauer wrote:


I just cloned a git repository with the hg-git plugin

  hg book shows me

    copyright                 679:fea497d36b67
    documentation             449:18c23a5d8b5a
    fontlockhang              684:5a39cee1856e
    hairyblocks               672:c81bebb99ebb
    mac_init                  455:5771ddf2e50d
    master                    689:ee371bfe7da4
    modernize                 441:3dddc612b35f
    shellcomplete             496:b4410de703dc
    strings                   197:b9f449756224
    usage1                    486:c95faee8b690
    wisent-parser             657:1842e54161be

But these are the positions where the bookmark are actually, I recall that 
somebody told me the


  hg log -r 'min(strings)'

Min is just going to give you the lowest revision number matching a revset. This is not what you want (and in this case, the revset only match one revision).

Should tell me where the bookmark strings started. (I have to admit that I very 
seldom uses bookmarks)

But this command seems not really to work.

Any idea what to do

Bookmark does not record this information, so you don't have a definitive answer here (this is part of why topic exists).

If all your bookmark create a unique and independant topological branch you can use `roots(only("bookmark-name"))` to find the root of that unique topological branch.

Pierre-Yves David

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