Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>>> In that case it would be great if you could file it as a bug and add the
>>> reproduction commands.
>> There is a frequent confusion about the `phases.publish` configuration
>> item : it is not about what happens with local manipulation commands
>> such as `hg update`. Instead, it is about what happens when the
>> repository is being pushed to.
> Right, I just wanted to ask. Because I was pushing to a remote repository and 
> that is set to 
> publish = True
> And I cannot change that.
> What I did change was the local setting, but as Georges point out that is not 
> the point.
> So the question Arne is, if the remote repository is set to publish, is
> it still a bug I observe or not, before sending my recipe.

Do you have the evolve extension active?
If yes, can you try it without evolve?

If it also happens without evolve, I think it is a bug.
If it does not, it may be a bug in evolve, or a different concept with topics.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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