On Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:14:50 +0300
Mitchell Elutovich <melutov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://github.com/ananthakumaran/monky/issues/104#issuecomment-1054503171
> Someone mentioned to me recently that they come from git, magit, and
> emacs background and would be interested in having this feature in
> monky work, how well does mercurial support it; any existing
> extensions that would help?

To be honest, I only discovered commit -i (--interactive) a few weeks
ago and I'd say it works really well. I've started using it a
lot. My main use case at the moment is I'll be working on improving /
fixing  some section of code, make some changes, but not really happy
with it so I'll work on something a bit easier, then interactively
commit the code I'm happy with. 

I prefer hg -i to shelve as I know that I've got hunks of uncommitted
code lingering in the working directory. Shelving it seems like it
might get forgotten about...
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