
That's what I ended up doing.  At the moment I'm thinking of making a local 
backup (cron job every hour) of my repository using pull.  Should my repo 
become corrupted, I will simply go back to that backup (hg will stop working 
and not pull in my broken changes) and be up and running quickly.

Thanks for your reponse!

> On Sep 14, 2016, at 2:40 AM, Steve - Gadget Barnes <gadgetst...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 14/09/2016 02:48, Yves S. Garret wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm just setting things up.  I don't care too much if I lose the history
>> of what I did (since I'm just getting the ball rolling.)  I've looked
>> online to try to fix a corrupt repo problem
>> [https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/RepositoryCorruption#Repository_corruption],
>> but could not resolve my problem successfully.  Below is what I see when
>> I try to run hg status and hg verify.
>> I was committing some source files, but wanted to remove the generated
>> binaries (*.o and *.exe), and did things such as: rm $(find . -name
>> "*.o")  and rm $(find . -name "*.exe")
>> What am I doing wrong in terms of fixing my corruption problem?
>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> hg status
>> abort: data/.hgignore.i@c5b3783f0f50: no match found!
>>> hg verify
>> checking changesets
>> checking manifests
>> crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
>> checking files
>> warning: revlog 'data/.hgignore.i' not in fncache!
>> 1: empty or missing .hgignore
>> .hgignore@1: manifest refers to unknown revision 602c3078f3a7
>> .hgignore@29: manifest refers to unknown revision 686c69daad40
>> .hgignore@31: manifest refers to unknown revision c034338208d6
>> .hgignore@32: manifest refers to unknown revision f8093b62cdbb
>> .hgignore@34: manifest refers to unknown revision c5b3783f0f50
>> warning: revlog 'data/mercurial_specific/.hgrc.i' not in fncache!
>> 2: empty or missing mercurial_specific/.hgrc
>> mercurial_specific/.hgrc@2: manifest refers to unknown revision
>> 8369752b7b5e
>> 183 files, 60 changesets, 183 total revisions
>> 2 warnings encountered!
>> hint: run "hg debugrebuildfncache" to recover from corrupt fncache
>> 8 integrity errors encountered!
>> (first damaged changeset appears to be 1)
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> Yves,
> First how you got your problem, rm (find...) will remove, normally
> hidden, items that hg uses for its own housekeeping so basically don't
> do it. Whenever you are operating within any DVCS repository such tools
> need to be told not to enter the special, invisible, directories such as
> .hg or you are likely to get the same problem again.
> To recover, since you are not too worried about the history at this
> point, if you have not yet pushed your repository just move to a new
> directory, initialise it and then add your source code - remembering to
> set up the ignores for *.o* & *.exe files, build directories, etc. If
> you have already pushed anything then clone your repository to a new
> folder, add your changes so far, set up your ignores, (and if necessary
> us hg rm for any binaries), and then re-commit. If your pushed
> repository is in too much of a mess, e.g. lots of binaries, you can
> clone it to a fresh directory, tidy it up or clone the significant parts
> to a new one, check it and then request that the original be deleted.
> Hope this is some help.
> -- 
> Steve (Gadget) Barnes
> Any opinions in this message are my personal opinions and do not reflect
> those of my employer.
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