
I attach a small script which generates a repo with 2 branches, uwe and
master. After running the script, I did

 hg update master
 hg merge uwe --tool internal:other

And then

hg commit -i 

However I obtained the following error message
abort: cannot partially commit a merge (use "hg commit" instead)

Now the issue is not so much that I love commit -i 

I could live with hg  commit

But the point is that I use GNU emacs and its mercurial interface for
commiting changes and if I run it there I obtain the same message.
Emacs offers me some features I don't have easily from the command line,
such as inserting parts of a changelog file which I have in all my repos.

I am not sure who is to blame, most likely the GNU Emacs interface does
not cover the situation, but before sending a bug report I would like to
hear some opinions for other emacs users (if there are any..)


Uwe Brauer 

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