> Curtis Cooper
> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 1999 7:04 PM
> Subject: Mersenne: Problem Running NTPrime

>  I am trying to run NTPrime Version 17.1 as a service
>  under Windows NT 4.0.  I have been having trouble
>  keeping it running; it seems like the System Idle
>  Process will take control of the CPU.  Things
>  will run fine for a day or two; NTPrime will
>  start automatically and when I check the Task Manager
>  it is using 99% of the CPU.  But then I will come back a day or
>  so later and sometime during that time period the
>  System Idle Process took control and is running
>  at 99% CPU usage and NTPrime has 0%.
>  Is there an explanation why the System Idle Process is taking
>  control of the CPU?

The NT "idle" process is not so much a process as just a measurement of how
much your computer is *not* doing.  The fact that NTPrime didn't seem to be
doing anything means that perhaps it hung, or maybe it didn't have any work
to do.  Next time this happens, check the "worktodo.ini" file and see if
there's anything in there maybe.

It's quite normal to see the "idle" process with lots of CPU "usage" when no
programs are doing anything.

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